In the Mail: GURPS Meta-Tech (plus added temptation).

GURPS Meta-Tech is in itself a handy little guide for turning Advantages into equipment that player-characters could buy with in-game money – and either that’s incomprehensible to you, or tickling the gearhead section of your brain. Sorry about that if the former. Anyway, Christopher Rice is an all right dude and he probably wouldn’t mind a few sales, so knock yourself out.

That’s what I got in the mail.

Continue reading In the Mail: GURPS Meta-Tech (plus added temptation).

Purchased: GURPS Meta-Tech.

GURPS Meta-Tech is… honestly, it’s pretty hardcore gearhead. It’s a GM tool, not a worldbook or adventure. Still, Christopher is an all right dude, and… despite what feels like SJG’s best efforts sometimes, I’m still a gearhead GURPSer at heart. Check it out.

The Steve Jackson Games’ GURPS Print-On-Demand Extravaganza Kickstarter is live.

As I said yesterday, the Steve Jackson Games’ GURPS Print-On-Demand Extravaganza Kickstarter is gonna get expensive, real quick. They’re offering a bunch of PoD add-ons that are individually nicely priced. The problem is, you can get nickle-and-dimed to death on this deal, really quickly. God, I hope there aren’t any stretch goals…

The Ohhhhhh Crap Steve Jackson Games’ GURPS Print-On-Demand Extravaganza Kickstarter.

The Steve Jackson Games’ GURPS Print-On-Demand Extravaganza Kickstarter launches tomorrow; and Houston, we have a problem. That selection is freaking catnip for me. “The per-unit costs ramp up pretty quickly” catnip. I’m worried what’s going to happen if they add more as stretch goals…