Group Seed: Porlock Solutions, Ltd.

Porlock Solutions, Ltd – Google Docs

Porlock Solutions, Ltd.


This particular company is difficult to hire, mostly because the services it offers — the removal of irritating people from one’s personal history — are equally difficult to bill for.  Let’s say that somebody employs Porlock Solutions to ensure that a crusading district attorney about to get a conviction against the client’s company is not assigned to try the case.  Porlock Solutions arranges the switch.  How does Porlock actually get paid for that?  After all, from the client’s point of view the case was now always being handled by a fumble-fingered idiot.

Continue reading Group Seed: Porlock Solutions, Ltd.

Group seed: Aglet Solutions.

Pardon the joke.

Aglet Solutions – Google Docs


Aglet Solutions


A variant of this group can exist at any point of a particular society’s technological or social development.  Provided, of course, that the society has access to resurrection or general necromantic magic.  Aglet Solutions exists to counter such magic, for the noblest of reasons: people will pay them extremely well to do so.


The pay is good because this is actually a surprisingly popular service, particularly in worlds where the resurrection process can or does have extremely nasty side effects.  There is a lot that necromancy can do with a person’s corpse, and some of it can be only be prevented or reversed by people who are effectively necromancers themselves, if only theoretical ones. Magicians who discover that they simultaneously have a talent for death-related magic and a basic ethical sense are Aglet Solution’s preferred candidates for employment, as the group gives them an opportunity to practice their art in a non-corrupting manner.

Continue reading Group seed: Aglet Solutions.

Campaign Seed: Project GAMMA YELLOW.

Just my little joke.

Project GAMMA YELLOW – Google Docs



NATO’s GAMMA YELLOW project would be legendary in the conspiracy theory community, if only any of them had ever heard of it.  But there are in fact certain security restrictions that people do take seriously, and the ones involving GAMMA YELLOW fall in that category.  It helps that the classification is at a level that can be beyond the reach of mere ministers of defense, or even some heads of states. For example, no American President has been briefed on GAMMA YELLOW since Jimmy Carter, and that was widely (for given values of ‘widely’) seen as being a horrendous mistake.

Continue reading Campaign Seed: Project GAMMA YELLOW.

Item Seed: The Scablands Map.

Sorta inspired by this.

Scablands Map – Google Docs

The Scablands Map


Description: there are three versions of the Scablands Map. First is what appears to be the original, which appears to been a thin slab of slate with numerous scratchings and markings on it.  Unfortunately, about thirty percent of that Map is missing, and the rest was carefully broken into numerous pieces.  The second Map appears to have been drawn on vellum some time around the beginning of the 17th Century AD, probably by Spanish monks.  That Map is intact, and is stored in a wooden case with extensive scorch damage.  And the third map is dated 1937, and is a product of the WPA’s Federal Art Project.  It is reproduced below: Continue reading Item Seed: The Scablands Map.

Location Seed: The Kanorado Bypass Anomaly.

Kanorado Bypass Anomaly – Google Docs

The Kanorado Bypass Anomaly


This anomaly exists just east of Kanorado, Kansas, virtually on the border of Colorado.  If someone is driving on I-70 East, they will find an unmarked turnoff that leads to a desultory rest stop. There is always a police car on the site, which is always there to keep people out of what appears to be a storage facility. Authorized personnel will find that the facility hides a ramp to an underground two-lane tunnel.  Anyone who drives through that absolutely straight, ten-mile tunnel will find themselves in an identical fake storage facility – on I-80 West, just past Ogallala, Nebraska.  Just to make it clear: the two towns are roughly one hundred miles apart.

Continue reading Location Seed: The Kanorado Bypass Anomaly.

The Sigil & Sign Cthulhu Mythos RPG Kickstarter.

The hook is that the players play the cultists. It’s also got this card-based character sheet system going on that I’m not familiar with, but let’s face facts: I buy more games than I play anyway.  I feel that at least I’m helping to keep more money in circulation, and that should eventually benefit me, right?

Anyway, the Sigil & Sign Cthulhu Mythos RPG is being put together by MBG Games and Cubicle 7 – the latter folks being the ones who do the Laundry RPG, which I order directly from England because it’s faster that way – and has some names writing for it that you might recognize. Check it out.

Item Seed: The Apocalypse Trunk.

Apocalypse Trunk – Google Docs

The Apocalypse Trunk


The Apocalypse Trunk resembles an old-style steamer trunk, albeit one with wheels.  Trying to move it around quickly demonstrates why it has wheels: the trunk is heavy, weighing in at around 350 pounds.  It can technically be opened, but in that particular way that’s reserved for items that people are not really supposed to open unless they’re are specifically-trained technical personnel.  There are numerous data ports installed on the side of the Trunk, and a heavy-duty power cord attached to it, so it doesn’t need to be opened to be used anyway.


Anyone who does open it will discover that the inside is packed with the latest word in hard drives.  The total storage capacity of the Apocalypse Trunk is about 75 petabytes, which is insane.  That’s enough for Google’s abortive 25 million book library archive – which is convenient, because that’s what’s precisely on the drives.  Which means that this is already one of the problematical items: stolen merchandise that is priceless in both the positive and negative senses. That library is theoretically worth hundreds of millions if not billions, but there’s nobody out there who it could be fenced to.

Continue reading Item Seed: The Apocalypse Trunk.

Prince Jean [600 pt] [GURPS 4e]

Prince Jean – Google Docs

Prince Jean [600 pt]


Appearance: 6 feet tall, regular features. Brown hair/eyes, muscular frame. Real name: Barry Wilson.


ST 20 [50] (ST includes +5 from ‘Extra ST’), DX 15 [100], IQ 14 [80], HT 14 [40]


Languages: French (Native) [6]; Latin (Accented) [4].


Advantages: Appearance (Handsome) [12], Charisma (2) [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Damage Resistance (1) (Flexible; Super) [4*], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil (4) [60], Extra ST (5) (Affects displayed score; Super) [45*], Independent Income (4) [4], Intuition [15], Luck (Ridiculous) [60], Might of the Tiger [49], Regeneration (Regular: 1HP/Hr) [25], Serendipity (1) [15], Status (+3) [10], Trained By A Master [30], Very Fit [15], Voice [10], Wealth (Wealthy) [20]

* = item is owned by another, point value is included in the other item.

Continue reading Prince Jean [600 pt] [GURPS 4e]

Tweet of the Day, The Mage Should Have Been Casting At The Thief edition.

Useless Chaotic Neutral* git.

Still… dang, but I’d like to have that on my wall.  As would half the people reading this, of course. They should do a print.

Moe Lane

*Can’t be Good, obviously: he’d be fighting the dragon otherwise. Can’t be Chaotic Evil, because he’d have thrown a dagger at the mage.  Lawful Evil would understand the concept of “kill dragon, then loot” better than this. True Neutral is for people who can’t make up their minds.  So it’s Neutral Evil or Chaotic Neutral, and robbing a dragon that isn’t dead yet and is maybe about to eat the rest of your party sounds quintessentially CN to me, ayup.

Item Seed: Cryptoid Autopsy! #5.

Cryptoid Autopsy! #5 – Google Docs


Cryptoid Autopsy! #5


This VHS tape comes in an oversized case, with a cover that could best be described as ‘garish’ and ‘busy:’ ‘Cryptoid Autopsy!’ is, for example, in all-caps, and in a particular color of green usually only seen at EPA Superfund sites.   The packaging gives a copyright date of 1987, from a company that quietly went out of business in 1994.  Extremely diligent research will find a 1989 company catalogue that lists this tape — it’s actually one of eight — but there’s pretty much nothing else available about this series otherwise.

Continue reading Item Seed: Cryptoid Autopsy! #5.