Roadshrine America [Unknown Armies]

This is an example of what they call ‘gutter magic’ in Unknown Armies. Not adept-level, not avatar-based, all kind of coincidental, but works all the same.

Roadshrine America – Google Docs


Roadshrine America

[Unknown Armies]

You’ve seen the shrines on the highways, right?  Sometimes it’s a bunch of flags on the overpass, or cups stuck in the chain link fence there that spell out a message. And sometimes it’s a forlorn-looking cross and flowers against a tree or some other landmark. You see them, you drive past, you maybe wonder a little about why people do that sort of thing. Well, the answer of course is: “Some people are passionate/obsessed” (depending on whether you agree with the sentiment being expressed, or not). And that original passion and/or obsession has nothing much to do with anything that the occult underground does. Oh, there are plenty of patriotic or bereaved occultists out there. No question about that: but when a roadside shrine is put up, it’s generally magically inert.

Continue reading Roadshrine America [Unknown Armies]

Item Seed: Winston Churchill’s Walking Cane.



Winston Churchill’s Walking Cane


This is the walking cane that Winston Churchill carried throughout World War II. As you might imagine, it can have a certain resonance, in the right hands. And if it ever ends up in the wrong ones, well, the pyrotechnics could be entertaining.  Also, messy.

Continue reading Item Seed: Winston Churchill’s Walking Cane.

Monotony Money [Unknown Armies]



Monotony Money [Unknown Armies]


It’s sometimes referred to as ‘Meta-Money’ by those members of the occult underground who know something about roleplaying games (a surprising number of them don’t).  It typically takes the form of a piece of fake $20 currency from a certain board game, suitably inscribed with an increasing number of sigils and mystic runes; the only rule for the writing seems to be that it also has to involve the number 20 somehow.  Nobody knows who started the first one; but you just know when a proffered piece of Monotony Money is the real deal.

Continue reading Monotony Money [Unknown Armies]