Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Single File
Well, you have to admit that the title is an accurate description of the song.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Single File
Well, you have to admit that the title is an accurate description of the song.
It’s like some weird auditory equivalent of writer’s block.
I spent enough of it outside and chasing a 2.5 year old to be completely up for ladling out the free ice cream.
Washington Post: The Democrats’ cap-and-trade bill is popular, as long as it doesn’t cost people more than $25 a month. Then it craters (Via The Conservatives.com).
Rasmussen: The Democrats’ cap-and-trade bill is unpopular, with the people who hate it really hating it and the people who like it only kind of liking it (Via The Campaign Spot).
Senate Democrats: The not-particularly-sudden death of Senator Kennedy requires that the bill be delayed again (Via Don Surber).
I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that Senate Democrats have already made up their own minds over whether they believe Rasmussen, or the Washington Post.
Moe Lane
Crossposted to RedState.
I’m not going to ask, Can you tell me what’s wrong with the first map below? I’m going to ask you, How long did it take you to figure out what’s wrong with the first map below?
Don’t worry if it took you a little extra time to find the second one; the fact that you got both still puts you two up on the New York Times.
Crossposted to RedState.
Andrew Malcolm apparently felt obligated to make sure that the correction of the truly offensive thing that his host newspaper (the LA Times) did was made as public as possible. I might normally raise an eyebrow at that, but in this particular case I can understand the impulse for damage control. It’s way over the top.
TV listings: The Prime-Time TV grid in Thursday’s Calendar section mistakenly listed MTV’s “Jackass” show on the MSNBC cable schedule at 7 and 10 p.m. where instead MSNBC’s “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” should have been listed.
If I was one of the owners of Jackass I would be seriously considering a libel suit right now: I am not a lawyer, but I imagine that the damage that the LA Times has just done to the brand by maliciously associating it with Keith Olbermann would easily justify one. And then there’s the implied insult in the veiled suggestion that fans of Jackass might also like Olbermann…
Moe Lane
Crossposted to RedState.
I’ve been thinking about how to get at least the House back in 2010 since Jim Martin‘s implosion, Fleming’s survival, and Cao’s upset demonstrated that the President’s get-people-elected charisma had a half-life of, oh, about four weeks.
Which is not to say that Brian York’s article on the subject is bad: it’s pretty good as a summary of current thinking (short version: the Democrats are paying the price for getting grabby). I just reject the thought that we’re just now getting to our feet. Some of us jumped right back up after the election, thank you very much…
Crossposted to RedState.
We say adieu to The Lord of the Rings – The Motion Picture Trilogy and put up instead Logan’s Run, for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Why would anybody think that there’d be a reason?
Why, the very idea.
Moe Lane
Because it’s stuck in my head, of course.