Coons vs. Coons in ‘Biden seat’ rhetoric!

Compare and contrast:

“It’s often said that this is Joe Biden’s seat. It’s not. It’s Delaware’s seat.”

This would have been a fine statement by Chris Coons (D-CAND, DE-SEN) in last Thursday’s debate*… if only he believed it. You see, one of the people that have often said that the seat in question was “Joe Biden’s seat” is… Chris Coons (D CAND, DE-SEN).

We cannot let Joe Biden’s seat fall into ultraconservative hands…

Olliander (H/T) aptly sums up the entire thing with the title “Chris Coons is a liar who obviously reads my blog:” Continue reading Coons vs. Coons in ‘Biden seat’ rhetoric!

QotD, Not Senator Ma’am’s Day Edition.

So, there has been a veritable litany of bad stimulus-related news lately for California:

  • 12.4% unemployment
  • 110 million in stimulus money in LA = 55 jobs, thanks to, of course, red tape
  • National trust in the administration’s ability to help the economy now underwater, 30/33

…and Barbara Boxer’s reaction?  It would’ve been worse without the stimulus (not a direct quote*).  Which caused ABC7 political analyst Bruce Cain to wax sarcastic:

Continue reading QotD, Not Senator Ma’am’s Day Edition.

#rsrh ‘Don’t get mad…’

‘…get even.’

After the across-the-board defeats in 2008, conservative pundits didn’t rail at the voters. You didn’t see the right blogosphere go after the voters as irrational (How could they elect someone so unqualified? They’ve gone bonkers!) with the venom that the left now displays. Instead, there was a healthy debate — what was wrong with the Republican Party and with the conservative movement more generally?


When things go wrong for the left, it blames the people; when things go wrong for the right, it blames the governing elites. Continue reading #rsrh ‘Don’t get mad…’

NH-GOV: Stephen (R) now within MoE.

Rasmussen shows a fairly unexpected primary bounce in NH for GOP gubernatorial candidate John Stephen: the race has gone from 50/39 Lynch/Stephen to 48/46 Lynch/Stephen.  Polling for this race has been somewhat sparse, but it should be noted that there has been notable movement towards in both the Rasmussen and PPP polls.  With the NH-SEN and NH-02 (no good recent polling on NH-01) races showing a definite break towards the GOP, Lynch may have to start worrying.

And so should national Democrats: it will not fit their narrative if the New Hampshire GOP runs the table next Election Night, and if this poll bears up, that’s now a genuine threat.  In other words, rumors of the extinction of the New England Republican may have ended up being a bit premature…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.