Black Ministers to Limousine Left: Actually, more drilling sounds great.

“A thing is going to happen which has not happened since the Elder Days: the Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong.”

– JRR Tolkien, The Two Towers

It would appear that elements of the current ruling faction of the American political system have noticed that, hold on, wait, they don’t actually have all that much in common:

Video Courtesy of

Continue reading Black Ministers to Limousine Left: Actually, more drilling sounds great.

The infuriating part about Darths and Droids

For those who don’t read it, the conceit behind Darths & Droids is that it describes a fake roleplaying campaign, using still photos from Phantom Menace (for example, the Jar-Jar Binks character is being run by a seven-year-old girl*, which really explains it all) – anyway, the infuriating part is not that the campaign notes found here (just before they were gleefully shredded by the players) are not better than Lucas’ vision.

No, the infuriating part is that David Morgan-Mar effectively proved that a make-it-up as you go along, ad hoc last-minute changes scattered throughout the narrative, the players didn’t read the background material given them by the GM and can’t even remember any proper nouns, everybody’s pushing the rules as far as they’ll go, pretty much typical roleplaying game campaign would also be better than Lucas’ vision.

Frustrating.  But funny!

Moe Lane

*Who, by the way, has damn good roleplaying reflexes.  If she actually existed, I’d let her play in my campaign.

For all your Prisoner needs.

I’ve run into a couple of people who have never actually seen The Prisoner, so click the link to get started with getting acquainted with the show.  See also here (via Hit & Run, which also has the intro to the show) for more details.

It is interesting to note that, in an era and culture where divorce is exceptionally easy and accepted, both Patrick McGoohan and Ricardo Montalban married once, and for life (over 50 and 60 years, respectively).  Nice to see that this still happens, even in Hollywood.

Oh, so *what* if Obama’s backtracking on having bin Laden killed be our highest priority?

(Links via Legal Insurrection, via Instapundit) Just because Obama said it back in October:

And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act & we will take them out. We will kill bin Laden; we will crush Al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority.

and is now saying something completely different: Continue reading Oh, so *what* if Obama’s backtracking on having bin Laden killed be our highest priority?

The Killers, The RedState YouTube Video, and what makes America great.

It’s crass capitalism, my friends. Crass capitalism.

So, my RedState cobloggers Caleb and Leon over on Youtube created this great video, using music from The Killers:

Continue reading The Killers, The RedState YouTube Video, and what makes America great.