Ace is back from Lebanon.

His preliminary thoughts <a href=””>here</a>.  Very short version: having a functioning democracy kind of helps moderate things for a country.  Which (most of) you and I already knew, but Ace also has “progressive” lurkers, some of whom who haven’t had an original thought since 2001.

Strike that.  They haven’t had a <strong>new </strong>thought since 2001.  Even then, the animating principle that they acquired back then was so old that it had mildew on it…

Crossposted to RedState.

Bill Clinton agrees that Obama should smile more.

Not in so many words, but he generally echoed something that I noted yesterday: our President is not being reassuring enough. Like all good poisoners, Clinton makes sure that the fatal dose is well-mixed with things designed to mask the taste. In this case, GOP-bashing:

Bill Clinton: Obama Should Sound More Hopeful


Regarding Obama’s bleak warnings that “the economy could get worse before it gets better,” and that the economic stimulus program is only the beginning of the end of the economic crisis, Clinton said, “I like the fact that he didn’t come in and give us a bunch of happy talk. I’m glad he shot straight with us.”

But he added, “I just want the American people to know that he’s confident that we are gonna get out of this and he feels good about the long run.”

Clinton thinks Obama should talk to the public in greater depth about the economy.

“I like trying to educate the American people about the dimensions and scope of this economic crisis,” Clinton said. “I just would like him to end by saying that he is hopeful and completely convinced we’re gonna come through this.”

Continue reading Bill Clinton agrees that Obama should smile more.

It’s apparently Video Day here: Bob Seger’s Night Moves.

Because Like a Rock was actually a little depressing for my mood. Then again, that can be a hazard with listening to Bob Seger. Don’t get me wrong: I kind of miss not being 18 anymore myself. But only kind of, because frankly back then I was a schmuck.

What was that? “What’s changed?”

Hardy har har. I’m a much more refined schmuck now.

Seattle, Stamford, and IMAO: a post about primates.

I went over to IMAO to get FrankJ’s reaction to this story about the monkey with the, ah, obvious distinguishing features that got loose in the Woodland Park Zoo:

He hasn’t gotten to it yet, but he did have a pointed observation about the people screaming about the Post cartoon: Continue reading Seattle, Stamford, and IMAO: a post about primates.

Rep Bart Gordon (D, TN-06) junketing to Europe for no real reason?

Apparently, he’s going to be part of quite the throng. Via Red County and Dave Evans for Congress comes this WaPo report:

Hurry, hurry, hurry. Congress will begin its 2009 travel season in earnest this weekend with two spectacular codels — trips for House congressional delegations — that are not to be missed.

On Saturday, Rep. John Tanner (D-Tenn.), chairman of the House delegation to NATO’s parliamentary assembly, and his wife will lead a delegation of 13 lawmakers — plus 10 spouses — on a fine nine-day jaunt starting at NATO’s headquarters in Brussels.


The huge number of members, spouses and staffers, plus military escorts, will require taking one of the bigger military jets, but we’re told these trips are an important use of taxpayer money.

No, of course he has no obvious legislative reason to go. As Dave Evans further notes: Continue reading Rep Bart Gordon (D, TN-06) junketing to Europe for no real reason?

Senator Durbin (D-IL) abandons Senator Burris (D-IL).

Abandons him quite comprehensively, in fact:

WASHINGTON–Embattled Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) is cancelling his Thursday schedule, where he was to have met with Rockford area civic, elected and religious leaders as Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) sent out a very frosty statement, saying Burris failed to disclose under oath the nature of his relationship with former Gov. Blagojevich.

Continue reading Senator Durbin (D-IL) abandons Senator Burris (D-IL).