Another three weeks until the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit is live.

I think it’s going okay? I’ve been spending the last month and a bit nagging people to sign up for notifications on the Fermi Resolution Worldbook, and so far it’s been… I don’t actually know, exactly. I have more followers for this one than I did for my Kickstarters last year, but I don’t know whether that’s going to be something I can directly compare. I’ll have more information after this Backerkit launches, but that’s data I won’t fully have until March.

I also need to spend the next few weeks encouraging others to talk up my project. Emails go out to various folks next week, essentially begging for buzz. Always a weird part of the job, really – but one you have to do.

Be sure to click the link to sign up!

Happy New Year! Don’t forget to sign up for the Fermi Resolution Backerkit.

(Sorry, guys, but this is the way these things go. Sometimes you have to show people a thing eight times before they notice.)

Welcome to the New Year! Please check out the Fermi Resolution Worldbook, my new Backerkit project. It launched next month: post-apocalyptic fantasy roleplaying in the world of my books!

Sign up here!

Please check out the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Launch Party!

Specifically: feedback on what I should add to it. The Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit launches in February, so there’s plenty of time to make tweaks. I really want to burst through and pull in people besides my usual backers, but I also want to keep my loyal readers, so… basically I want everybody to buy everything of mine, forever. Feel free to give me feedback on how to achieve that simple goal!

Feedback requested on my Fermi Resolution Worldbook teaser page.

This is a serious question: what does this Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit teaser page need? What should it include, what should it include more of, what would tempt you? Don’t get me wrong: I want everybody reading this to sign up for notifications about the Backerkit, to say nothing of backing the project itself. But right now I’m happy just to get feedback.

Had a productive talk with Backerkit today.

The word of the day is discoverability. This is what Backerkit felt I wanted for my crowdfunding projects; and as soon as I heard the word, I agreed with them. The problem is not that I’m at all worried that the Fermi Resolution Worldbook will not fund. I’m not worried, because it will fund, and very possibly on the first day. What I’m trying to do with this project is go beyond my usual supporters* and pull in people who will be discovering my stuff for the first time. That is a somewhat different problem to solve.

Continue reading Had a productive talk with Backerkit today.


These are the numbers that I’m thinking of for the FERMI RESOLUTION TTRPG:

Softcover, Large, Regular Color$29.95
Hardcover, Large, Regular Color$34.95
Digital File$14.95

I have to think of them now because I need to come up with pledge levels for the Backerkit (it’d be awesome if you signed up for notifications for that, by the way). The book will be about 150 pages, and have a bunch of art. Do these numbers feel right to you? It’s a self-contained book using the GUMSHOE rules.

How much SHOULD I price the RPG for?

I’m trying to calculate best costs for the PDF and print version of the FERMI RESOLUTION worldbook for the Backerkit (sign up for notifications here). I’m just not sure what the numbers would be. Assume roughly 144 pages, softcover, color interiors but not the special paper; it’s a complete game, with plenty of professional-grade, non-AI art.

How much would you buy that for? And how much would you spend for the PDF?