So, good birthday night out.

Went to an excellent Italian place*, had some beef medallions, then consumed an eclair half the size of my head.  Which wasn’t actually the plan.  You see, I know what eclairs are: they’re pastry tubes filled with sweet creamy filling and covered in chocolate, then kept in the fridge at about a degree above freezing before they’re put on your plates.  This is a lot tastier than it looks, at least if you have NJ taste buds.  Which I do, so we’re good, right?

Anyway, this thing was a dark chocolate and strawberry and whipped cream explosion that absolutely couldn’t be eaten with your hands.  Heck, I could barely eat it with a fork.  Tasty, though. Continue reading So, good birthday night out.

Wife’s birthday today!

…So I had to go put on big-person clothes.  Seriously, I am one of those White People who Likes Shorts:  I am happy to run around Maryland all summer in cargo shorts and a t-shirt, because this is America.  But it’s also my wife’s birthday, and when I casually brought up how we were dressing to go to dinner it was clear that today’s Let’s dress like a cleaned-up hobo! look just wasn’t gonna fly.

Mind you, I’m just wearing blue jeans and a shirt with long sleeves.  Then again, it’s Maryland in July.  This is a bit of a torment for me.

Productive birthday, albeit one with physical labor involved.

To wit: getting a new bed up four flights of stairs. Thankfully, not all at once. And thank God for modular box springs, let me tell you. Good birthday overall, though. Got my present early – a nice, new 27 inch monitor. Trying to figure out how I operated without one for all this time…

Today is my birthday.

Forty-five, for those keeping score at home – and if you are (I assume that the personal sites of people involved in political sites are tracked, because that’s what you do), then I hope you’re getting paid a good deal for it.  No, really. It sounds like a subtly horrible job to have; your compensation should reflect that.

Anyway, I will be doing as I please, today. So should the rest of you. It’s Saturday! Go take your family out to brunch, or something.