Had to unscramble Youngest Son’s midterm science project. Will have to do it again tomorrow, but I can schedule for that. Anyway, I’ll get the next installment up tomorrow.
Tag: Bold Marauder
The new BOLD MARAUDER serial is up.
A few days late, but I was sick. And now it’s up, and I can stop feeling bad about it. Huzzah!
‘Bold Marauder.’
Patreon stuff: New Bold Marauder installment, new Collection.
The new Bold Marauder installment is paywalled; the new Collection (War of the Mountain King, done back in the day) is not. Be sure to check them both out! the short story and new RPG material will show up at the end of the month, as usual.
‘Bold Marauder.’
‘The Bold Marauder.’
‘The Bold Marauder.’
A new installment of THE BOLD MARAUDER is up on Patreon (public post).
I got a new subscriber: everybody gets a new installment of my space opera serial THE BOLD MARAUDER. Them’s the rules that I have set up, after all.
Another new installment of The Bold Marauder!
Got a new subscriber, so everybody gets a new installment of my pulp SF serial The Bold Marauder. Remember: when we I hit $200/month, this is a permanent feature. For subscribers, so sign up today!
Chapter 4, Part 1 of the Bold Marauder up for FREE at my Patreon!
Somebody signed up to my Patreon, so another installment of The Bold Marauder! A new chapter, too. And I had to rewrite the entire dang thing when I realized that I was spending entirely too much time getting to the fight scene. I gotta work on that.