The ‘Car Wars’ Bundle of Holding.

Bundle of Holding: Car Wars.  Hmm.  This one I might pick up, despite the fact that of course I have all of this stuff.  Heck, I had the Autoduel America map up on my wall, much to the resignated chagrin of my long-suffering wife.

…Wait.  Where is my Autoduel America map? I seem to have misplaced it.


Anyway, the Car Wars stuff is kind of scattered around the place. Having the PDFs might be handy, at that.  Must consider.

Moe Lane

PS: I gotta go see if it’s in the craft room closet.  A lot of geekstuff hides in there now.

PPS: No luck, but I did find two music stands that my wife was looking for (and didn’t think could be in the craft room), so we’ll score that as a success anyway.

The ‘Dracula Dossier’ Bundle of Holding.

My only argument against you folks picking up the Dracula Dossier Bundle of Holding is that the physical books themselves are very, very pretty.  I picked this line up back when it was being Kickstarted, and it was great value.  You should definitely grab this one, if you have any interest at all in playing vampire meets post-Cold War espionage roleplaying games.  Which of course you do! How could you not? Continue reading The ‘Dracula Dossier’ Bundle of Holding.

Steve Jackson Games puts GURPS 4E on DriveThruRPG…

…at least, it looks like just GURPS 4e here on DriveThruRPG.  Specifically, it looks like the GURPS 4e titles I’d put on if I was getting ready to offer them as a Bundle of Holding; at first glance, the only items missing from DriveThruRPG are the ones that involve licensed properties. Which probably means no In Nomine any time soon, dammit. Still: keep watching the skies.

The Rippers Bundle of Holding.

The latest Bundle of Holding is a mild extravagance that I will have to pay for later, but Rippers is a Victorian horror RPG for Savage Worlds, and it was just a little too tempting.  Particularly since it is, after all, Halloween season. Two weeks to go; this shall be the week of the great Gathering of the Candy.  You have to curate your Halloween candy properly, of course. It must be balanced between what your kids will eat later, what you will eat later, what will make you too sick if you eat too much of it, and what you just want two or three of and then the rest can be handed out later*.

Moe Lane

*Turns out that I like frozen Butterfingers. Bit of a surprise to me, that. And Smarties are just flat-out dangerous to me at this point; just thinking about them gives me a headache. A delicious, delicious headache…

The GURPS Traveller Bundles of Holding.

Yes, bundles.  There’s GURPS Traveller Essentials, and GURPS Traveller Wars. The first Bundle of Holding includes a book (GURPS Traveller Starports) written by John M. Ford, and that’s worth it all by itself. I still miss the guy.

Anyway, I have the originals in print, and it’s a tight series; you’ll like it.  It’s also an alternate of the original timeline, mind you: no assassination of the Emperor, no collapse of civilization, and no New Era stuff.  So it might be a little odd-looking to any real grognards perusing it…

You *want* this Esoterrorists Bundle of Holding.

For sixteen bucks and change this is a great deal for Esoterrorists RPG PDFs.  Lemme put it this way: I’m not picking it up because I own all of the books already.  Most of them in print.  Heck, I have the first edition rules from when it was all about the GUMSHOE rules and only had bits and pieces touch on the actual ‘sane conspiracy horror / supernatural investigation’ game world*.  By all means, get this series.

Moe Lane

*It’s different from many other supernatural investigation game settings in that the conspiracy that the PCs are working for is essentially benevolent (while still being ruthless on demand) and remarkably intolerant of sociopaths within its own ranks.  No steady spiral out into broken relationships and substance abuse for the Ordo Veritatis, thanks; you start to feel the strain, they get you competent psychological counseling. Because when you’re trying to patch holes in reality made by unnatural occurrences and human suffering maybe you shouldn’t be doing either yourself?

The Colonial Gothic Bundle of Holding.

I have been putting off getting into the Colonial Gothic RPG setting for a good, long while now.  It’s not that the game concept isn’t awesome: 18th Century Secret History Horror?  That’s right in my wheelhouse.  The problem was, I somehow got it into my head that the game used D&D’s open source mechanics.  I don’t mind D&D, but I’ve seen some horrible ways it can be adapted — or, more accurately, warped.

But this does not apply to the new edition of Colonial Gothic, if indeed it ever did, so check it out.  21 bucks on Bundle of Holding gets you everything, including some Lovecraft-specific stuff.  Which makes sense: if HPL gamed, he would have run a campaign in the pre-Revolutionary era.

The Cyberpunk 2020 Bundle of Holding.

Cyberpunk 2020. Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long, long time. Never actually played it — who does have time to play all the RPGs that one sees?* — but I mucked about with character creation with a friend’s copy.  I mostly was trying to get a feel for it in relation to the Paranoia adventure Alice Through The Mirrorshades, which was a crossover adventure between the two systems.  Don’t ask me why they felt the need to do that; gaming during my college years got weird, especially when it came to the campaign worlds that confidently expected the Soviet Union to be around in the future. Continue reading The Cyberpunk 2020 Bundle of Holding.

Anybody play Savage Worlds – East Texas University?

The Savage Worlds RPG setting East Texas University was described by Bundle of Holding as being “Southern rural horror right out of Bubba Ho-tep by way of Buffy and The X-Files,” which is admittedly not a bad pitch when it comes to people like me.  But cash flow is cash flow.  Is this worth the price of admission?