The ‘Car Wars’ Bundle of Holding.

Bundle of Holding: Car Wars.  Hmm.  This one I might pick up, despite the fact that of course I have all of this stuff.  Heck, I had the Autoduel America map up on my wall, much to the resignated chagrin of my long-suffering wife.

…Wait.  Where is my Autoduel America map? I seem to have misplaced it.


Anyway, the Car Wars stuff is kind of scattered around the place. Having the PDFs might be handy, at that.  Must consider.

Moe Lane

PS: I gotta go see if it’s in the craft room closet.  A lot of geekstuff hides in there now.

PPS: No luck, but I did find two music stands that my wife was looking for (and didn’t think could be in the craft room), so we’ll score that as a success anyway.

Hey, a #CarWars contest.

I gotta think about this one for a minute. I have the outline of it in my head, or at least the number of syllables. It just has to bubble up from my subconscious… well, I hope.

Not being an initiate of Gygax does have its advantages.

Heh.  Something like this happened to me: to wit, like Tycho of Penny Arcade, in my house, growing up, AD&D was specifically banned.

… my mom gave me an incredible gift here that almost certainly informed my life.  I think a lot of people go right to D&D, and that’s it.  You can play Dungeons & Dragons your whole life, I’m not gonna tell you that would be bad.  It is at least as good and probably better than a lot of the shit you get up to.  But she didn’t let me start with it, and the reason doesn’t matter now.  I was made to cast a wide net, and I hauled up treasure.

But, like Tycho… my mom just banned AD&DMERP/Rolemaster?  No problem.  Car Wars?  OK. GURPS? Sure, no worries.  …Paranoia?  Fine, although Orcbusters pushed my mom’s buttons.  I suspect that a lot of gamers have that history; and the members of the gaming industry that aren’t working for Wizards of the Coast should be, frankly, properly grateful about it.

Moe Lane

So… 9K left to getting a Car Wars Kickstarter.

They’re looking pretty close, and… look, I want Car Wars back, OK?  I am even now waiting to see if various funds unlock in enough time to push me up from the $100 (game) to the $150 (game and extra goodies) rate before the clock stops ticking, or I’d be kicking in more right now.  Since I can’t… hey, they have t-shirts!

Also, here’s an analysis of the entire SJG Kickstarter strategy.  There’s some interesting stuff in there that’s kind of relevant  beyond the immediate situation.