How the HELL do I get rid of #google_vignette in Chrome?

Shutting down pop-ups in settings does nothing. I’m also asking as a user, not a vendor. Every time I post something, the Google Vignette pops up, and then when I x it out, I backspace to the previous page. It’s very annoying, to the point that if I could get Edge to work again, I’d just switch browsers.

Back at Balticon!

…After a Chrome update that required far too many security checks for a machine that I just got told won’t be supported after next month. I mean, why does Google care now? – I don’t mind that the Chromebook won’t be supported, you understand. It’s an older model and I didn’t pay much for it to begin with. But if they have little care for its further existence then they shouldn’t be too upset if it’s a little insecure.


Never mind me. I had ten hours’ sleep last night, and it seems to be affecting me in odd ways.

Moe Lane

PS: Come on by and buy my books at Balticon! Or anywhere else!

Chrome to put hard limits on video autoplay.

It won’t be perfect, but the news that “Chrome is to block automatic play of videos with sound unless the user has indicated they are interested in such clips” is welcome anyway. It’s a trickier problem than you’d think to do anything except a flat ban of the process.  Particularly since those who inflict autoplay videos on the rest of us in the first place are also the sort of people who will actively try to get around any restrictions.

I don’t want to judge people who code autoplay videos into their pages.  There’s been a time or two where I didn’t have a choice but to put up something that autoplayed, although I always tried to put it up after the fold. But if you’re one of those advertisers or content providers… please stop, OK?  You’re increasing the amount of grimness in the universe.

Google makes Amiga emulator app for Chrome.

Sounds pretty cool.

The Amiga 500 lives again — in Google’s browser.

Google developer Christian Stefansen on Thursday resurrected a version of the venerable computer system from the 1980s in the form of a Web app that runs in Chrome. Forty-year-olds who want to relive their childhoods or younger people who want to see just how hard their elders had it can visit the Amiga 500 emulator for Chrome online, boot the machine, and play some games.

Via Steve Jackson Games.

…This might make me adopt Chrome.

I mean, I like Firefox, but dear God but I want this:

Google’s Chrome browser might soon be getting an easy way to tell you which open tabs are making noise, or recording it. The new feature is part of the latest Chromium build, and features a throbbing EQ animation over the noisy tab’s favicon (video below) to tell you and your system that it’s doing audio stuff. Chromium is the open source project that feeds into Google’s Chrome browser, and is often the first place that its new features show up.

Via Instapundit.  I don’t know why this isn’t built into every browser anyway, honestly.