No, no, NO. Somehow, and I don’t know how, Disney managed not to [expletive deleted] up GRAVITY FALLS. Its two seasons were precisely the proper number. It was weird, perfect, and perfectly weird. My kids loved it and so did their parents. Most importantly: again, Disney managed not to [expletive deleted] up GRAVITY FALLS. I have no confidence in the current studio’s ability to reproduce that feat.


Moe Lane

PS: No, I don’t expect them to avoid [expletive deleted]ing up a new PHINEAS AND FERB, either. Honestly: do you? Really? Really?


Tweet of the Day, I Will Allow It… edition.

…but there will have to be conditions.

Primarily… well. You all know my opinion on this.

Via @BlkCrownAuthor.

Moe Lane

PS: I know the odds are nil that they will do it that way. Believe me, I have come to terms with the fact that Hollywood isn’t as good at ideas as I am…

A good primer on copyright, trademark, and Disney.

I saw this via Facebook: Mickey, Disney, and the Public Domain: a 95-year Love Triangle. It should walk you through what people can and cannot do with the Steamboat Willie Mickey Mouse, starting Monday. Short version: copyright (which will expire for that Mickey) regulates if you can use something; trademark (which will not) prevents others from using material misleadingly. To use an example from the text: you can’t slap a Nike swoosh on your shoes and make people think your shoes are from Adidas, but Adidas can’t stop you from using or referencing the word ‘Nike.’ Also, the courts are actually pretty strict about not letting trademark law do end runs around copyright law. Because people have tried to do exactly that.

Continue reading A good primer on copyright, trademark, and Disney.

The Jonathan Majors verdict is an excellent excuse for Marvel to… stop the MCU.

I know what Marvel and Disney thinking. They’re thinking, We can still power through. To which I reply: I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken.

In a not so shocking turn of events for Marvel Studios has fired Jonathan Majors, who has been playing the mega MCU villain Kang the Conqueror. The decision comes following Majors’ recent guilty verdict in a domestic violence trial where he was charged with reckless assault and harassment.

Continue reading The Jonathan Majors verdict is an excellent excuse for Marvel to… stop the MCU.

Welp. I GUESS that’s an improvement for the Snow White movie?

I mean, at least they no longer look like Snow White And The Top Seven Focus-Grouped Choices.

Continue reading Welp. I GUESS that’s an improvement for the Snow White movie?

The Apple and the Mouse.

This… intrigues me: “A few weeks before Bob Iger sat down for that CNBC interview in which he said Disney’s linear TV networks, like ABC and FX, “may not be core” to the company’s business, a veteran Hollywood executive mused to The Hollywood Reporter on the possibility of a deal that would rock the industry: Apple buying Disney. It’s an idea that keeps being discussed, even though many top executives have scoffed at it and many still do. Apple doesn’t want to buy a studio, they say, and there’s no way the feds would allow a huge deal like that to go through.”

Continue reading The Apple and the Mouse.

The LOKI Season 2 trailer.

I didn’t finish SECRET INASION – heck, I barely started it – and that’s a bad sign for Marvel. I mean, I’m sure they’re not panicking over my specific disappointment, but what if I’m just representative of the trend? That being said, the new season of LOKI looks pretty sweet. Let’s see if it holds up.