Did Elizabeth Warren (D CAND, MA-SEN PRI) actually claim minority status for her own benefit, after all?

Alternate title: I was wrong about Elizabeth Warren.

I hate to admit being wrong, of course, but I’m pretty much stuck here. You see, last week I RedHotted a post where in passing I more or less indicated that I didn’t think that it was particularly fair to ding MA senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren for her claims of Native American ancestry. When I read the story, it seemed that she had merely repeated it as an anecdote from her family history – which is to say, something that I’ve done myself (family history claims a Huron great-grandmother; I have no evidence whatsoever for this). I also didn’t really think that it was all that big a deal that Harvard University was claiming minority status for her for a time; universities do weird things for publicity, she wasn’t running for office when it happened, and besides, Harvard stopped doing that a while back anyway. I figured that there were more important things that I could be doing with my time.

Well. This is what happens when you trust the ethical sense of a progressive politician. It turns out that Elizabeth Warren in fact claimed minority status: specifically, in the “Association of American Law Schools’ annual directory of minority law teachers” (H/T: @CoonDawg68) from 1986 to 1995 (more about this at The Volokh Conspiracy (via Instapundit), which also has some interesting details about ‘racial fraud’ as a legal concept in Massachusetts). As the Boston Herald helpfully notes, universities would have had access to this information… which, presumably, would include their hiring committees. Are we really expected to believe that Harvard University didn’t consult the AALS minority directory as part of their vetting process? In fact, are really expected to believe that the University of Pennsylvania didn’t, either? – Because I don’t, and that means, again, that I was wrong. And I’m sorry about that.

Continue reading Did Elizabeth Warren (D CAND, MA-SEN PRI) actually claim minority status for her own benefit, after all?

#rsrh QotD, This Is Why Bubba Was A Two-Term President edition.

Here’s the preliminary: Elizabeth Warren is apparently getting knocked for doing something that I’ve done: to wit, reference an uncorroborated family history that has her having a Native American ancestor.  I have zero interest in knocking her for it, UNLESS it turns out that she deliberately lied about it, or used it to gain special treatment; and no, I don’t think that letting Harvard mention it in the school paper counts.

But that’s not the QotD.  This is: Continue reading #rsrh QotD, This Is Why Bubba Was A Two-Term President edition.

#rsrh Elizabeth Warren’s OWS is back! And calling for decapitating cops!

You may recall that in October of 2011 Democratic Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren claimed partial ownership of the entire Occupy Wall Street phenomenon. Specifically, Warren claimed that she had “created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do…”

So, I have to ask: which part of said foundation is her handiwork?  Is it the unicorn?

…Or the decapitated cop spraying blood?

Moe Lane

PS: As God is my witness, I did not create that picture.

#rsrh Elizabeth Warren’s hypocritical tax… the Democrats call it “treason,” yes?

Or at least unpatriotic. Either way… somebody’s not practicing what she’s preaching:

Having criticized her Republican opponent for voting against a millionaires’ tax measure, U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren said here Friday that she opted not to pay a voluntary higher tax rate in Massachusetts.

Continue reading #rsrh Elizabeth Warren’s hypocritical tax… the Democrats call it “treason,” yes?

Elizabeth Warren (D CAND, MA-SEN PRI) declares Barack Obama unevolved.

No, really, that’s what she said.  The exact statement was  “I want to see the president evolve [on same-sex marriage] because I believe that is right; marriage equality is morally right…” – with the implication being that anybody who does not support same-sex marriage is not, ah, fully evolved.

Funny thing about that.

Continue reading Elizabeth Warren (D CAND, MA-SEN PRI) declares Barack Obama unevolved.

#rsrh Elizabeth Warren guessed wrong on outside ads?

It’s starting to look that way.

Short version: back in January Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown agreed to keep negative third-party advertising out of the MA-SEN race, and ever since then Elizabeth Warren keeps getting hurt more and more in the polls. Which is to be completely expected, of course: such an agreement helps Senator Brown, who defaults to being a very personable and engaging politician… and hurts Ms. Warren, who defaults to being a somewhat querulous and definitely lecturing liberal academic. This is in fact so obvious that one might almost wonder why Warren fell into this trap – until you remember that she’s had no relevant electoral experience, and has been told that she’s the brightest person in the room one too many times. Continue reading #rsrh Elizabeth Warren guessed wrong on outside ads?

#rsrh Looks like the Elizabeth Warren boomlet has faded…

…and by ‘faded’ I mean ‘disappeared.”

OK, that’s a little cruel – and, more to the point, anticipatory.  Still,  two new polls inRasmussen and Mass Insight – show Brown leading Warren 49/44 and 52/42, respectively (the last Mass Insight poll had Brown over Warren 44/39).  National Journal, never being one to avoid taking a slap at a Republican, notes that “[t]he new poll does not reflect the weeks of controversy around Brown’s co-sponsorship of legislation permitting employers to restrict access to contraception insurance coverage on religious grounds.”  The assumption there is apparently that Massachusetts voters are going to be upset with Senator Brown taking an identical position on that issue to Teddy Kennedy… and, yeah, if you write it out that way it really does sound like whistling in the dark, huh?  I should also note that Suffolk found Brown up by 9 two weeks ago, so this isn’t exactly coming out of the blue.

Meanwhile, here’s the MA GOP ad on the Hollywood hypocrisy of Elizabeth Warren:

Don’t you just love phony populists?  They know the words, they know the moves, they even know the tune… but people like Elizabeth Warren can never quite fake sincerity well enough to really sell the product.  But who knows?  Maybe the Democratic party of Massachusetts will have a rush of oxygen to the brain and nominate somebody else…

Oh, wait, no: they thought that Martha Coakley was a viable choice for US Senator.  Never mind…

Moe Lane

#rsrh Sen Scott Brown: Elizabeth Warren hates freedom of conscience. And Ted Kennedy!

Here’s an important pro-tip for aspiring doctrinaire liberal politicians deciding to demagogue on the White House’s recent attack on freedom of conscience: know your territory.  Yes, Massachusetts is a Blue State.  It’s also a very Catholic one (somewhere around 44%, in fact).  And – because of simple self interest, really* – Scott Brown has long been a champion of conscience exemptions for Catholic hospitals.  Why, in 2009 he explicitly wrote to the Pope himself to avow that “I believe in a conscience protection for Catholics in the health care field and will continue to advocate for it…”

Oh, wait, no, that was Ted Kennedy.  Brilliant move on Elizabeth Warren’s part, there: by calling Brown’s identical position ‘extreme’ she’s just managed to urinate on the memory of the man who her own party considers to be the patron saint of Obamacare.  No wonder she couldn’t get confirmed: it’s entirely possible that the woman wasn’t even sure which part of the Capitol building she was supposed to testify in…

Moe Lane

PS: Another pro-tip: if Martha Coakley thought that something was a winning strategy, it’s probably… not.

*Any pro-choice Republican that wants any kind of support from the national party at all had better be for a conscience exemption.

Elizabeth Warren’s inaccurate Karl Rove whining.

So let me set the background, here.  Crossroads GPS  is a 501(c)(4) associated with American Crossroads (a 527 advocacy group which has Karl Rove advising it; this will be important later), and it put out this ad on Massachusetts Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren (who is running, of course, against Republican Senator Scott Brown).  Said ad helpfully points out that Warren was up to her eyeballs assisting the 2008 TARP bailout – yes, the same bailout that she’s now trying to be a class warrior against:

Summation of the video: Elizabeth Warren talks a good game, but she was involved in TARP, in a supervisory role – so if people don’t like the way that TARP unfolded, blame her.  The ad alludes to the way that Warren sucked up to the Chamber of Commerce in order to try to get support to be made the formal head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  Moving away from the ad: Warren also tried that with the 2010 crop of freshmen House Republicans, with about the same amount of success.  On the other hand, Warren did manage to put into place the man who would eventually succeed her as chief CFPB bureaucrat… one Raj Date, former executive at Capital One and Deutsche Bank.  All in all, this is all pretty standard, somewhat interchangeable Washington insider (Democratic edition) stuff from Warren.  Nothing special, alas. Continue reading Elizabeth Warren’s inaccurate Karl Rove whining.

#rsrh Elizabeth Warren denies Occupiers the second time. #OWS

Because, after all, principles are principles – but a Senate seat is a Senate seat.

U.S. Senate hopeful and Harvard Law prof Elizabeth Warren, who has claimed she laid the “intellectual foundation” for the Occupy Wall Street movement, is jilting the anti-corporate proteges in her own Ivy League yard, refusing to sign a petition in support of Occupy Harvard.

Warren, who declined to speak to the Herald, is focused on her campaign, said spokesman Kyle Sullivan.

Continue reading #rsrh Elizabeth Warren denies Occupiers the second time. #OWS