And so it begins.

I begin grabbing mods for Fallout 4. They’re making noises about doing updates and upgrades soon, and the Creation Kit will at some point become available, but the Fallout 4 Nexus is already up and running. So I might as well get those upgrades and game performance tweaks to, well, tweak. Just performance and a different Pip-Boy map display, for starters. The esoteric stuff can wait.

So now the wife has the Cough…

…I’m getting over the Cough (but not enough to drive), and the kids are in boundless-energy mode because they no longer have the Cough. This is ever so much fun and no, we don’t have the Zika virus. Completely different symptoms, and don’t think that I didn’t check.

Sorry that these aren’t exactly fascinating and/or scintillating posts or anything, but I’m not really doing anything right now except stare into space, blankly.  Every so often I load up Fallout 4 and shoot zombies with a shotgun at close range, then Stimpack my compound fractures* away.  I apparently think that this is funny. At least, that’s the excuse I keep giving myself.

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t even know how to record myself playing these games, sorry. And doesn’t everybody else already do that, anyway?

*My unique shotgun does explosive damage. Great fun for clearing a room, but if they jump you then a point-blank hit will cripple you, too. Luckily I have all the Stimpacks…

Hey, the latest Fallout 4 patch dropped!

…And they fixed the Killshot perk, dagnabbit. Based on gameplay since then I apparently was relying far too much on always having a 95% chance to shoot somebody in the head. Oh, well, I guess that means that I’m going to have to redesign my weapons load…

Anyway: no DLC. Yet. But that’s probably next; either that, or the official Creation Kit. Will there be a mod to get Killshot un-fixed? I dunno, Timmy: let’s find out.

Continue reading Hey, the latest Fallout 4 patch dropped!

Tweet of the Day, Life Imitates Fallout 4 edition.

Or is it the other way around? Anyway, folks: behold. The Tato:

…Yes, yes, I know.
Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Life Imitates Fallout 4 edition.

:blearily looking up from keyboard: I REGRET NOTHING

Why do I regret nothing?  Three words: Silver Shroud quest. That had to have been the voice actor/actress’s favorite Fallout 4 quest. Hands. Down.  I was mesmerized.

Alas, I am also up way too late playing it.

Moe Lane

PS: If you plan to play Fallout 4, don’t look up that quest ahead of time.  I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but I’ll say this: you will be tempted to go absolutely gonzo in the dialog options. Go for it. It’s gloriously mad.