Fright Reads in one week! (I’ll be selling books and talking about self-publishing.)

Fright Reads will be October 1st, 12-6 PM, at the Benfield Sportscenter (1031 Benfield Blvd, Millersville, MD 21108). I have a table for selling my books (ahem), and I’ll be up on the stage at 4:30 PM for a half hour talk on self-publishing. The latter is of course very gratifying; I’ve been doing this for about two and a half years now, and hopefully have learned a couple things in the process. Lord knows there’s some stuff I would have done slightly differently, if only I had known.

Continue reading Fright Reads in one week! (I’ll be selling books and talking about self-publishing.)

Fright Reads in two weeks!

October 1st. Five bucks to get in! Kids get in free! If you’re in Maryland and going to be in Millersville on that day, consider making it over to Fright Reads: there’s gonna be a bunch of authors there besides me, and the folks running it are trying to be as small-author friendly as possible. I am not getting the screws put to me with regard to the table fees, for example.

They want to make Fright Reads a thing, and I have my own vested interests in them making Fright Reads a thing, so check it out.

A couple days left on DUTIES preorders and the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION super-sale.

Also: it looks like I might have copies of DUTIES available at Fright Reads! Which will be nice, if it happens. Obviously, I’ll have TINSEL RAIN there, too. Still trying to decide if I’m going to offer any particular sales there. After all, I’m pricing my books pretty cheaply now…

In the Mail: The Author’s Proof of DUTIES.

Faster than I expected, honestly. Fast enough that I’m wondering if I can have DUTIES ready for Fright Reads after all. It’d be tight, but depending on when I have this book published…


Doing a panel at Fright Reads!

Details aren’t finalized, yet, but I’ll be one of four people on a panel at Fright Reads on October 1st (12-6 PM Benfield Sportscenter, Millersville, MD). We’ll be talking about what it’s like to publish; I don’t know if the others are going to be concentrating on self-publishing, but that’s what I’m doing to be talking about. I’ve been doing it for a couple of years at this point, so I have some idea on how the whole thing goes.

If you can’t wait for that, buy my books now!


Book vending schedule, 2022.

This is so far:

  • Balticon (May 28-30). The convention starts Friday, but I’ll be there Saturday. Probably will commute, because the hotel’s expensive and it’s an easy drive for me.
  • Galactic Con (tentative) (June 11). This one is a day-trip, and I haven’t gotten it confirmed yet. Hoping to have TINSEL RAIN published at that point, but I probably won’t have the print books.
  • Fright Reads (October 1). Will have TINSEL RAIN in print by then! Hopefully. Maybe other stuff.

As you can see, I have room in the schedule for July-September. I’ll be keeping an eye out for other prospective vending venues.