Signed up for Fright Reads!

Danged if I know whether BANSHEE BEACH will be ready at that point, but the Fermi Resolution Worldbook absolutely will be. September 13th and 14th, and praise GOD but Frightreads will be at the Howard County Fairgrounds this year. This is a site that’s easy to get to, will have better food opportunities, and – most importantly – decent parking. I liked the old site well enough, but the parking there is hideous.

If you can’t wait, please: buy my books now.

Remember! Frightreads in a month!

Frightreads is back, and in a month! I’m looking forward to it, and since I will have an actual horror novel to plug at this one for the first time, I hope it’ll go well. It’s a nice, free-and-easy book festival, and I think better suited for independent authors like me than the larger conventions.

Plus, it’s made this cool hi-I’m-a-vendor image for us. Neat, right?

Buy my books here, if you can’t wait!


I will be doing an Author Talk with @frightreads on April 6th.

FrightReads Book Fest is a Maryland book festival that I’ve been attending for the last two years. It’s a lot of fun, and very vendor-friendly: I sell a decent number of books, and get to meet a bunch of other indy writers there. It’s pretty successful, too. This year, FrightReads has been expanded to the whole weekend (Sept 30 – October 1st), and they’re coming up with other ways to expand their reach.

One of these is their Author Talks program, in which they, you know, talk to an author via Facebook Live. I’ll be on it on April 6th, from 7 PM until whatever. The link is here: be sure to check it out, on the day!

Continue reading I will be doing an Author Talk with @frightreads on April 6th.

Finally applied for FrightReads 2022.

Took me long enough, really. The next FrightReads Book Festival will be on October 1st, at a new location: it was a fun time last time, and the price per table is really good. I sold some books there last time, so hopefully, I’ll be able to sell more. ‘Course, I actually have to get my application accepted, but I don’t think that’s going to be too much of a problem.

But if you can’t wait until then… buy my books!


Well, it’s official: I’ll be selling books at the FrightReads Book Festival.

Bought a table space: the FrightReads Book Festival will be in Cantonsville, MD on October 2nd. That’s an easy drive for me, so I’ll be there with my current books – and hopefully will have another two out by then. I’m also considering getting some banners made of the cover art. The cover art pulled people in.

You can check FrightReads out here and here. And if you’re in the Cantonsville area on October 2nd, drop on by! There’s going to be a bunch of other people there with horror and spooky stories to read.

Frightreads Book Festival! (October 2)

The Frightreads Book Festival is in Severna Park, MD on October 2, and I’m in the process of trying to get a vendor table for it. I am, after all, a self-published author of fantasy and horror fiction, and I should have even more books available by the festival date. The new chapbook DECISIONS in particular will have one of my better Mythos stories in it; I really need to get cracking on getting that one spun up to speed. Oh, well, once the kids are out of school I’ll have more free time.