Guillermo del Toro’s Fantastic Voyage remake to start filming in 2018.

Next year. …First off: wow.  It’s 2017! I forget that we’re in the future now, sometimes.  All of the books that I read as a kid liked this time period for near-future stories — and not a one of ’em got it right.  Less space travel, hella better computers. Seriously, I think that we have better ones than the ones on Star Trek: TOS*. Continue reading Guillermo del Toro’s Fantastic Voyage remake to start filming in 2018.

The Shape of Water trailer.

I dunno if Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water is going to be a Deep Ones movie or a Abe Sapiens prequel in-all-but-name movie.  Will watch it, either way.  I kind of would groove to it being a “Deep Ones, but they aren’t all that bad” movie.  But then, I’m weird.

Moe Lane

PS: In case you’re wondering: supposedly, the reason why del Toro didn’t end up doing At The Mountains of Madness is because the idiot told the studios that it would end up rated R. And I don’t mean ‘idiot’ meanly: he’d agree with me. In fact, I read an interview the other day where del Toro was ruefully cursing himself for not lying about the intended rating until it was too late for the studio to do anything about it. Being ethical bites sometimes, huh?

Quote of the Day, I’d Watch This Star Wars Pitch, Sure edition.

Anybody except Guillermo del Toro, though – maybe not.  But I like del Toro’s stuff, even when he’s a little off.  So, sure:

“I would do the sort of Godfather saga that Jabba the Hutt had to go through to gain control. One, because it’s the character that looks the most like me, and I like him. I love the idea of a Hutt type of mafia, a very complex coup. I just love the character.”

del Toro to do At the Mountains of Madness.

(Via Nodwick) And it will not be a light romantic comedy set in modern Nebraska.  Do you think that I jest?  Go look at what they did to Exit To Eden if you want to see what Hollywood can do to a book.  Not going to be a problem here:

The main issues that financiers have had is that del Toro needed his movie to be a period film, and he needed it to be R-rated. Movies like that are really hard to market, and so studios, such as Universal in this case, haven’t wanted to pay for it.


So why would Universal decide that they were finally ready to take the risk? One name: James Cameron. According to the reports, the Avatar director has decided to back del Toro’s vision and come on as a producer. Not only that, but the movie will be in 3D, and there’s no one else on the planet right now that you want in your corner when it comes to 3D more than James Cameron. They even plan to start pre-production immediately with hopes of filming some time next summer.

Cameron’s a bit of a… wonderful person who is going to help put one of Lovecraft’s most epic vistas on the screen… but he knows how to do big, and big is what you need when you’re doing a horror/adventure story about a lost, pre-human Antarctic city.  There’s been a real dearth of big-screen Mythos movies that have been mainstream successes – I count three, in fact, and none of them are officially Lovecraft films* – so I’m kind of hoping that this one takes off.

Moe Lane Continue reading del Toro to do At the Mountains of Madness.