In the Mail: GURPS Meta-Tech (plus added temptation).

GURPS Meta-Tech is in itself a handy little guide for turning Advantages into equipment that player-characters could buy with in-game money – and either that’s incomprehensible to you, or tickling the gearhead section of your brain. Sorry about that if the former. Anyway, Christopher Rice is an all right dude and he probably wouldn’t mind a few sales, so knock yourself out.

That’s what I got in the mail.

Continue reading In the Mail: GURPS Meta-Tech (plus added temptation).

Got distracted by something stupid.

Nothing horrible – just a technical issue about gaming permissions, at least to start – but I should not have allowed myself to get distracted by it. It ate up time that I could have spent more profitably engaged in actual writing. I probably should just shrug off the whole thing and not bother with that particular project; it would have been fun to do, but life’s like that.