The Penny Arcade/Lone Shark Games ‘Thornwatch’ Kickstarter.

I ain’t buying it – like the idea; don’t have the dinero – but good golly but look at that crowdfunding well.

Turned it on yesterday, and they’re already 300% funded. Penny Arcade is kind of frightening, sometimes.  In a good way, to be sure; but they are the Alpha Ultra-Ninja Grandmaster Flash Nerds, huh? – Said he, with pure admiring envy in his voice.

The ‘Eschaton’ apocalyptic cult game Kickstarter.

It’s a bit rich for my blood – sixty bucks for a board/card game about rival dark cults at the end of the world is a bit much, especially since I know that I won’t play it – but danged if it doesn’t look entertaining. They had a few copies at GenCon that promptly sold out, but the Kickstarter has already started:

The aesthetic is all very medieval metal, if that makes any sort of sense.  The kind of artwork where you don’t bother with opening up any color tubes besides black and brown. But again, it looks fun.


The “Widdershins: Find The Lady” Kickstarter.

I love this webcomic, and happily signed up for the Kickstarter.

Widdershins is 19th century (mostly) urban fantasy; I read it because of the… well, I read it because it’s a damn good webcomic in general, with characters who I like and care about on general principles. But the worldbuilding is nice, too. Kate Ashwin has apparently been known to throw down various polyhedral dice on occasion, in fact. Always nice to see somebody else from The Sodality doing well…

Hey, if you backed the Timewatch RPG Kickstarter…

…the digital files have dropped. Check your email account. The physical books are at the printers, so they should be toodling along at a near-future point.

Timewatch, for those who don’t remember, is a time travel RPG using GUMSHOE rules. It’s finally coming out, which is nice, because I’ve been looking forward to it. There’s a couple of things that I’d like to write for that particular game line…