Feel free to offer feedback! (You can also order the books here.)

These are the last hours of my mega-Kindle sale! All of my novels are still only 99 cents on Kindle in the US/UK, but the sale will be over soon! Get them now!
Gimme a break: I came home, walked upstairs, and promptly fell asleep. I only woke up because I desperately needed to eat something. Anyway: FROZEN DREAMS, TINSEL RAIN, MORGAN BAROD, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 1, and GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND are all on 99 cent sale this week. That makes them books of the week, surely.
That’s right: starting June 1st, ALL of my novels (and TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 1) will be on sale for 99 cents (99 pence in the UK) for one week! For less than five bucks you can have it all (well, except for the chapbooks). Now is the time to get your piece of my genius!
Or, you know, you can buy them all now and put more money in my pocket. Either is cool.
Continue reading Announcing the June Moe Lane’s Novels BLOWOUT SALE!Otherwise known as the Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off. I picked FROZEN DREAMS instead of MORGAN BAROD because the latter is honestly flirting with becoming a ‘heroic fantasy trilogy,’ much as I hate to admit it; and I picked it over GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND because GoaAW is a cosmic horror novel hiding behind a science fiction facade. Oh, and TINSEL RAIN is the second book in the FROZEN DREAMS series, so it was automatically disqualified, too.
…I need to write more novels.
At least for right now: FROZEN DREAMS is on sale for $8.51, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 1 for $5.29, and MORGAN BAROD for $7.28. I’m not sure why those specific prices. Amazon sets them, not me. I still get paid the full amount I’m owed, so that’s cool, however they want to move books, they’re the subject matter expert and I am not.
Background: we had a dude asking for books…
…and, since I should toss more into soldier-related charities anyway, I packed some of my novels* and sent them along. If you’re an independent author yourself, you should maybe think about doing this, too. Bread on the waters, and all that.
Continue reading Books for the USO are away!Covenants: Four Tales of Agreements is my latest chapbook, of course; and I took the opportunity to order more of them, since I had to restock my copies of MORGAN BAROD for the Maryland Renn Faire. I’ve heard words that now is a good time to restock your inventories. I don’t know if that’s accurate, but I should have enough stock on hand to handle my upcoming conventions…
Seriously, book reviews are golden (book ratings are white gold). Especially if the book is (like MORGAN BAROD) being offered on sale. Reviews can make the difference between a sale and… not a sale, basically. So go for it!
Continue reading Reminder: if you’ve read a book (like MORGAN BAROD), then REVIEW IT.The two conditions are, as they say, not unrelated. I’d like to note so far that Written Word Media (the company running this promotion) have been aboveboard and professional with me throughout the process: I don’t know how many books I’m gonna sell, but so far, no complaints. Certainly Amazon Ads aren’t doing a dang thing for me…