:pointing: Cow.
Continue reading 08/27/2020 Snippet, MORGAN BAROD revision.Tag: morgan barod
08/26/2020 Update, MORGAN BAROD revision: 77,850/80,000.
Mostly me punching up some fight scenes, adding a few bits of exposition, that sort of thing. I think that I’ve added all the extra scenes that NEED to be added; the rest is just smoothing out. I’ve got about 20,000 words left to review; adding a little over 2,000 isn’t going to be too difficult, methinks.
But nothing to excerpt, really.
08/25/2020 Snippet, MORGAN BAROD novel revision.
08/24/2020 Snippet, MORGAN BAROD revision.
08/23/2020 Snippet, MORGAN BAROD revision.
08/21/2020 Snippet, MORGAN BAROD Revision.
08/20/2020 Update, MORGAN BAROD revision: 74,414/80,000.
About halfway through the first pass-through of the book, in terms of chapters. Obviously, I’m almost at the target word-count. I figure that the vampire city chapters could use some more smoothing and so could the battle scenes, so I’m not worried about it. I’ll probably be getting this to the alpha reader by September, so if you want to beta-read let me know. I have a tentative date of February or March to Kickstart MORGAN BAROD, but a lot of that will depend on finances.
So, hey. Every little bit helps, right?
08/19/2020 Snippet, MORGAN BAROD novel revisions.
08/18/2020 Snippet, MORGAN BAROD novel revisions.
Up to 73K words. got about 8 chapters of 30 cleaned up for the alpha reader. I also have something that amused me to write:
Continue reading 08/18/2020 Snippet, MORGAN BAROD novel revisions.08/17/2020 Update, Second Pass-through of the MORGAN BAROD Origin novel.
I need a better name for the book. Anyway, we’re at 72,406/80,000, which is nicely ahead of schedule for me. The only problem is, I can’t really excerpt anything because I was just smoothing out the text and adding sentences and paragraphs here and there. Real useful stuff, but nothing earth-shattering. There’s a couple of more places for more actual content, but not for a bit.
This is not the next Kickstarter book. The next Kickstarter book is a collection of Fermi Resolution short stories. It’s also not the next thing for sale. The next thing for sale is… the subject of another post.