04/08/21 Revisions, MORGAN BAROD.

So, I took a nap; and when I woke up, I realized that my alpha reader’s complaint about certain shenanigans in the Vampire City of Red Bank were in fact justifiable, and that I agreed with her. Fortunately, the nap also told me what to substitute for said shenanigans, which will allow me to keep both the fight scene and the… other one. So that’s what I’m likely working on this weekend. I’m also thinking of making the business at Red Bank this month’s Patreon story, so there’s that.

04/06/21 Revisions, MORGAN BAROD.

Finished Part I! Which was originally twice the size in the draft, but MORGAN BAROD is a three-part novel, not a two-part one. Also had to do some serious rewrites of one character there, but it was necessary. This is why alpha and beta readers are a thing: the book’s better, once I swallowed my pride.

I’ve started in on Part II, which is also “Morgan Barod and the Eldritch Tome” in TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION. Which means, naturally, that I am thoroughly sick of seeing it at this point. Edits and edits and more editing later…

Started up some of the stuff for MORGAN BAROD.

Mostly, I might – might – have the cover art squared away. No guarantees, yet: but if it works out I can’t wait for people to see it. MORGAN BAROD’s going to be a weird book generally, which is a pretty good argument for not Kickstarting it. If if goes down in flames then at least it’s not taking other people’s money with it.

Beta readers will probably be needed at some time in March. I’m hoping for a June launch, but that may be optimistic. We’ll see.

Praise Jesus: the Morgan Barod revision is in the can.

80,012 words as of today. I don’t need MORGAN BAROD to stay above 80K, strictly speaking. I just needed it to get above it once and have everything done so that I can send it to Alpha and later Beta readers next month.

If you’re interested in that, by the way, feel free to let me know in comments.