I really need to get back to the other story.
Continue reading 08/19/2023 Snippet, the Expanded MOUTHY.Tag: mouthy
08/18/2023 Snippet, the expanded MOUTHY.
I’d rather be working on the other story, too, but my head wasn’t in the game there. I’m trying to put MOUTHY up to Kindle Vella levels, because the original story was probably a little rushed. I need to take my time, really get my horror on for this one. I kind of have to, because nobody is ever gonna buy this story for their own magazine, let me tell ya…
Continue reading 08/18/2023 Snippet, the expanded MOUTHY.The April Patreon stuff is up!
I know: oh, so early. Busy weekend ahead. Need to clear the decks beforehand.
- Short Story: Mouthy. Not gonna spoil it. Never gonna be able to sell it, either.
- RPG supplement: Ashes of Empire, Part 4: The Undergrounder Realms. Time to talk about the nonhuman races that toppled the Empire of Ash! And where are the Halflings, you ask? …Where, indeed.
Snippet the Last, MOUTHY.
5200 words, which is fine, because it doesn’t need more. Tomorrow I edit, maybe tighten it up a bit. I didn’t entirely want to write it, but you know how that sort of thing goes.
Continue reading Snippet the Last, MOUTHY.04/25/2022 Snippet, MOUTHY.
Last part of the story: but I have to go back now and add a couple of bits. Then see if it coheres. Hopefully, it will.
Continue reading 04/25/2022 Snippet, MOUTHY.04/24/2020 Snippet, MOUTHY.
Almost done with this one: need to finish the ending, then go in and add a couple of scenes. This one will be clocking out at about a bit under 5K words, by the way. Not a novella.
Continue reading 04/24/2020 Snippet, MOUTHY.04/22/2022 Snippet, MOUTHY.
04/21/2022 Snippet, MOUTHY.
04/19/22 Snippet, MOUTHY.
I actually expect the people reading along to these snippets to figure this one out. The real question is whether the folks reading the whole thing for the first time will, too. Guess we’ll see!
Continue reading 04/19/22 Snippet, MOUTHY.