Traveled Friday, got 2K+ words done Saturday, muscled through another 3.4K words today. Needed to get back on track, and by God I did it. Snippet here.
Tag: nanowrimo
NaNoWriMo, 11/07/2019: 2135/14516.
Yeah. Today was the day that I had to write some of the sexin’. And wasn’t that indirectly entertaining, too. Snippet’s here, but before you click; ain’t none of the sexin’ is in there. Not out of prudery, but on account that I can’t imagine that it won’t mortify everybody who reads it.
NaNoWriMo, 11/06/2019: 2056/12381.
Almost didn’t get this done: it turned out the time that I had blocked out to do something was not actually free time for me. But it all got done in the end. Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/05/2019: 2099/10325.
Today, we break the 10K barrier. This is where I start mumbling to myself about how I apparently may be writing an actual, you know, book. It’s kind of weird, really. Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/04/2019: 2069/8266.
Moving along, in its Marty Stu fashion. We progress; ’tis now one-seventh completed. Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/03/2019: 2083/6157.
10% done! And you may find the snippet here. Enjoy!
NaNoWriMo, 11/02/2019: 2012/4074.
Getting along, getting along. I’m apparently going to genially mock a bunch of different tropes, which is good, right? Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/01/2019: 2062/2062.
Two thousand a day is my target number for this one, you see. Gets me to sixty thousand words, which is still a little short for a novel but what the heck, right? I’m also going to be doing snippets from the day’s writing and putting them on the Patreon for everybody to read. Here’s today’s opening.
Tomorrow is the start of NaNoWriMo.
Doing it again this year. Aiming for 2K words a day of ACTION! and THRILLS! Whether or not that actually happens is, well, I guess up to me. I figure that if there isn’t a fight scene per chunk then I’ll need to step up my game.
I’m going to try to put chunks up here so you can see the progress.
Moe Lane
PS: If you’re thinking of doing this, good luck!
NaNoWriMo, Day FINAL: 1435/50001
…Done*. I wrote a goram book.
Moe Lane
*Except for collating, arranging, creating first draft, revising, expanding into rough draft, alpha reader, revising, beta reading, revising, revising, revising, final draft, and then starting the selling process. But other than that…