Tonight was Newsletter Night!

A little delayed because I had to do some training on the newsletter for my eventual replacement. Yup, I’m going to be finishing up being Chronicler for my SCA Barony soon. It’s been, what, at least five years now?

:click click:

Yup, over five years. Time flies when you’re having fun, or in the middle of a pandemic.

Moe Lane

PS: After flipping through a few… I actually didn’t do too bad a job on these. Even won an award for one special Pennsic issue. I’ll miss doing them, but I’ll burn out if I don’t take a break. We have seen it happen before.

FROZEN DREAMS – and I – need an email list! And newsletter! Opinions welcome!

I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to create an email list and newsletter so that I can keep people in the loop about FROZEN DREAMS, the audiobook, the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook, the upcoming short story collection, anything else I’ve got in the pipe… you get the idea. Is there a standard go-to resource that everybody uses to create such things? I’ve no real interest in re-inventing the wheel.