Background: Organizing for Action is just as bad at pushing actual policy positions during Obama’s second term as its previous incarnation was as bad at pushing actually policy positions during Obama’s first term. I know that this will disappoint everybody who was expecting OfA a +5 Vorpal Juggernaut, but this was not exactly an unexpected outcome. Well, unexpected by some: there’s possibly an emotional aspect to some analyses these days*. OfA also seems to be not bringing in the cash – the phrase ‘potholes in the road’ was used, which is code for We seriously overestimated how much more money we could squeeze out of our usual donor base. But don’t worry: there’s still hope!
Even donors who acknowledged the group was off to a slow start predicted that just as the campaign heated up, so will OFA.
“When the president really starts to push these issues like immigration, that’s when you’re going to see this operation going at full speed,” said one top Obama donor. “This is why people elected the president. It wasn’t necessarily about him but what he could do.”
Continue reading Organizing for America is still underperforming. Shocker, I know.