Quote of the Day, It’s The ATTITUDE That’s Almost Literally Damning edition.

Every Republican Presidential candidate should follow the advice below with regard to television ads.

Liberals never have a problem making expansive arguments on emotional grounds—the single woman without health care tells all we need to know about Obamacare; the lone shooter tells us all we need to know about guns laws, etc. There is simply no reason that [Dr. Deborah] Nucatola should not be on television ads everywhere, sipping her wine and intimately describing how abortionists squash the life out of unborn babies for money. How many Americans would accept this policy as normal?

To be honest, I’m sort of nervous to find out.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, It’s The ATTITUDE That’s Almost Literally Damning edition.

So apparently the opposition to a 20 week abortion ban is about the MONEY.

I assume that you have all been horrified by this, with this being Planned Parenthood’s ‎Senior Director for Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola inadvertently confessing to organlegging and homicide. ‘Organlegging,’ for those unfamiliar with the concept, is where you sell people’s organs for money… which is blatantly illegal in this country, whether adult or (in this case)  the unborn*.  Dr. Nucatola also blithely confessed to performing partial-birth abortions, which are also illegal – and a felony. You can watch the whole thing here:

Continue reading So apparently the opposition to a 20 week abortion ban is about the MONEY.

“Cui Bono?” from keeping the Pill a prescription drug? …Why, Planned Parenthood, of course.

If you’re wondering why the Left is going ballistic over current proposed legislation by Senators Kelly Ayotte (R, NH) and Cory Gardner (R, CO) that would effectively make oral contraceptives an over-the-counter medicine, why, here you go: “Planned Parenthood alone makes around $1.2 billion each year from contraceptive services.”  It really does just come down to this: money.  There’s a lot of money on the table. You tell an industry that it’s about to lose that huge a chunk of its revenue stream, and it’s going to react.  You almost can’t even blame them for it: effective monopolies always look different from the inside.  In fact, they may not even consider themselves to have an effective monopoly*, insane as that sounds.

Continue reading “Cui Bono?” from keeping the Pill a prescription drug? …Why, Planned Parenthood, of course.

No truce with the Kermit Gosnells.


I’m going to quote Matthew Clark of Bearing Drift here, because he set up the situation pretty straightforwardly:

Virginia, with the support of Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, has enacted some of the most stringent health requirements for abortion clinics in the country.  The law allows the Virginia Board of Health to regulate abortion clinics much like hospitals, to ensure that they provide the same operation, staffing, equipping, staff qualifications and training, and conditions as hospitals in Virginia.  These regulations would ensure that no “House of Horrors” operates in Virginia.

Yet, late last week, McAuliffe sent a fundraising email asking supporters to fund his campaign because his opponent, GOP gubernatorial all-but nominee Cuccinelli, “pushed through medically unnecessary regulations on women’s health centers with the aim of his number one goal: ending safe and legal abortion in Virginia.”

Why were these regulations proposed?  Precisely to prevent the horrors of Gosnell’s clinic.  The Washington Post reported at the time this bill was passed, “In recent weeks, abortion foes have cited the case of a Philadelphia area clinic [Gosnell’s] recently shut down after authorities discovered a series of botched and illegal abortions; inspectors discovered containers of fetal parts.”

Continue reading No truce with the Kermit Gosnells.

Prolife activists force Planned Parenthood to admit that it does not provide mammograms.

This is always entertaining:

The day before hundreds of pro-life activists prepared to flood Planned Parenthood’s offices with requests to schedule a mammogram, the organization issued a statement admitting that they do not offer the cancer screening procedure at any of their facilities.

The calls were placed today as part of “Call Planned Parenthood to Schedule Your Imaginary Mammogram Day” – an event organized by pro-life activists in response to President Obama’s statement during the presidential debate Tuesday that the abortion organization offers mammograms.

“There are millions of women all across the country, who rely on Planned Parenthood for, not just contraceptive care, they rely on it for mammograms, for cervical cancer screenings,” the president had said, repeating a claim he had made earlier this summer in an interview with Glamour magazine.

Continue reading Prolife activists force Planned Parenthood to admit that it does not provide mammograms.

Jason Altmire (D, PA-04): pro-life? Pro-choice? Try ‘pro-keeping his seat.’

Won’t work, but he’ll try.

You have to wonder whether the Online Left finds equivocators like Rep. Jason Altmire (D, PA-04) as insulting as we do (not that progressives have the courage to call their own hypocrites out, of course).  Let me set the background: in 2010 Altmire did his level best to look like a mighty pro-life champion, largely because he was running for re-election in a R+6 district (which he ended up winning with only 51% of the vote).  Back then it was all about how Altmire absolutely hated taxpayer funding of abortion, and how he’d never support such a thing, and the rest of the spiel that then-Speaker Pelosi graciously allowed him to repeat in order to keep his seat.

But that was 2010.  Since then the seats have been redrawn, and now Altmire is facing Murtha crony/replacement Mark Critz in a race for the redrawn PA-12 district that has been called ‘spirited‘ (read: ‘vicious’).  So, now that the pandering has to be to Democratic primary voters, how is Altmire pandering? Continue reading Jason Altmire (D, PA-04): pro-life? Pro-choice? Try ‘pro-keeping his seat.’

A long, drawn-out death rattle for Komen for the Cure?

You no doubt remember that controversy: Komen decided to stop funding Planned Parenthood, the Left erupted in rage, Komen backed down. Victory for the liberal feminist movement! …And how does victory look now?


Reuters: “Komen said it had had problems meeting targets in about half of the five fundraising events it has staged since the blowup. One in Lafayette, Louisiana, raised less than $400,000, below its $500,000 goal, and another, to be held in Fort Worth, Texas, is also struggling.”

Continue reading A long, drawn-out death rattle for Komen for the Cure?

#rsrh Tucker Max discovers the true meaning of Planned Parenthood.

This is going to be the funniest thing that you read this morning. Executive summary: there was this guy named Tucker Max – whose name I was apparently expected to recognize on sight; I had to look him up to discover that he wrote this book called I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell – who was looking to donate 500K to charity in order to reduce his tax burden. So his agent suggested that Max contribute it to Planned Parenthood in Texas; Max, being pro-choice (of course*) decided that this was, in fact, a perfect charity for him (of course*). Everything was going swimmingly until somebody at PP recognized the name ‘Tucker Max’ and hit the panic button. They ended up adamantly refusing taking the money under any circumstances whatsoever, citing Max’s (allegedly extremely juvenile**) writing towards women. That led to this unintentionally hysterical exchange: Continue reading #rsrh Tucker Max discovers the true meaning of Planned Parenthood.

Good News / Bad News for Debbie Wasserman Schultz!

The bad news: she didn’t realize that she was calling members of her own party ‘anti-woman’ before she started screaming The Weekly Standard‘s John McCormack about how people who voted to defund Planned Parenthood are anti-woman!

TWS: But there were eleven [correction: ten] Democrats who voted against funding for Planned Parenthood, so are those eleven Democrats anti-woman?

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: No, they’re not, because if you, when I declare someone, when I make a broad statement like that, I look at the balance of somebody’s–where their priorities are, the balance of their record. And so one individual isolated vote here and there does not make you anti-woman.

TWS: So what are the broader votes that make those Democrats who voted on those same issues–on Planned Parenthood on H.R. 3–what makes them not anti-woman?

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: I don’t think there are any Democrats.

TWS: Eleven.

Note that Debbie Wasserman Schultz happens to be the Deputy Minority Whip; I was unaware that the position was a sinecure.  Or that it causes traumatic memory loss among those who have been burdened by the job.  Or that the Democrats simply pick lying suckweasels for the position… actually, no: I was already aware of that one. Continue reading Good News / Bad News for Debbie Wasserman Schultz!