ABC News, asking one of those questions that kind of assumes that the answer is already known, but merely needs to be revealed. One caustic drop at a time.
“Did a half billion dollars of your tax payer money go to a company certain to fail? And why?”
…Yeah, those conversations rarely end well. Background on the ongoing Solyndra debacle here: short version is that the White House deliberately pushed for loans – and let me say the magical words of DOOM, here: “WITHOUT DUE DILLIGENCE” – for a greentech company that they knew was busily going bankrupt. Half a billion bucks down the rathole, paper trail out the front door, and the scalping knives are out.
Should be a thing.
Moe Lane
PS: You’re probably muttering something right now about how this will distract from, say, Operation Fast & Furious (by the way, BATFE just had to admit that walked guns have been linked to three more murders). Au contraire: this merely means that Energy & Commerce is going to be ‘competing’ with Oversight & Government reform for headlines. I note ‘competing’ because, really, there’s room for both.