#rsrh QotD, Wait, They Went After A DEMOCRAT? edition.

ABC News, asking one of those questions that kind of assumes that the answer is already known, but merely needs to be revealed.  One caustic drop at a time.

“Did a half billion dollars of your tax payer money go to a company certain to fail? And why?”

…Yeah, those conversations rarely end well.  Background on the ongoing Solyndra debacle here: short version is that the White House deliberately pushed for loans – and let me say the magical words of DOOM, here: “WITHOUT DUE DILLIGENCE” – for a greentech company that they knew was busily going bankrupt.  Half a billion bucks down the rathole, paper trail out the front door, and the scalping knives are out.

Should be a thing.

Moe Lane

PS: You’re probably muttering something right now about how this will distract from, say, Operation Fast & Furious (by the way, BATFE just had to admit that walked guns have been linked to three more murders).  Au contraire: this merely means that Energy & Commerce is going to be ‘competing’ with Oversight & Government reform for headlines.  I note ‘competing’ because, really, there’s room for both.

QotD, It Was Meant Kindly edition.

NPR – NPR! – for the win on Miss USA’s costume in the Miss Universe pageant:

It’s like Washington crossing the Delaware to go to Hooters.

But, honestly, it was meant kindly.  Or affectionately.  And you’ll have to go to the site to see this one: NPR earned the link.  It may not be described; only experienced.

Via @Aaron_RS.

#rsrh QotD, I’d Pay A Buck To See That edition.

The Gormogons, on White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s coming crackup:

Carney must realize that this point that he is walking a plank. He knows the press is better informed than he is, and that any good, solid statement he makes will be contradicted within the hour by someone else in the White House. One of these days—and trust the Czar on matters like this—Carney is simply going to show up to a press conference in a sweatshirt, three or four beers in him, and just shrug off every question with “What the hell do I care?”

My sympathy is zero, by the way.  He voluntarily took that job, after all.

Moe Lane

#rsrh QotD, Ooh! Ooh! Let Me Answer, Eugene! Edition.

Eugene Robinson, on why it’s so horribly, horribly unfair to blame President Obama for the fact that his policies were and are the economic/fiscal equivalent of pyaemia*:

Now, maybe somebody could have come in and done all of that and also got the economy revved up and roaring but I think it is more probable that this is a different kind of recession that — and I wonder who could have done better?

The last time I checked, Mr. Robinson, I believe that we were promised that Barack Obama himself would do better.  After all, “…we didn’t elect Obama to be an expedient president. We elected him to be a great one.”

At least, so said… Eugene Robinson.

(Via Hot Air Headlines.)

Moe Lane

*PRO-TIP: when your defense of a Democrat/liberal causes people on MSNBC to laugh in your face, it isn’t a very good argument.  Even if it’s on Morning Joe.

#rsrh QotD, Raul Grijalva Thinks You’re Stupid Edition.

The honorable representative from Arizona, on civility levels these days:

“Not even in our worst days as Democrats did we demean and attempt to cripple the office of president.”

…sayeth the man who cosponsored articles of impeachment against then-Vice President Dick Cheney.  In early 2008, no less, which means that Grijalva had no better motive here than to try to take a cheap shot against the President.  By proxy.  When it was already clear that when it came to this particular subject Bush was right, and Grijalva was wrong.  And if you don’t believe me, go ask President Obama, who has c0ntinued the war policies* that Grijalva wanted to impeach Cheney over.  You won’t get a straight answer from Obama, mind – but then, when did we ever?

We will now pause while various antiwar faction members try to claim that attempting to impeach the Vice President should not be seen as an attempt to “demean and attempt to cripple the office of president.”  I’d say forgive them – after all, at this point this is all that they have – but I find that I have very little forgiveness in my heart for people who’d happily throw any number of non-Westerners onto the pyre, just to win an election…

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines)

Moe Lane

*If not quite as competently.

#rsrh QotD, ‘Unexpectedly.’ edition.

If you’ve followed the economy for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed by now that every month it turns out that the economy has gone to pot – and that every month this shocks economists and financial reporters, like the first green-gray mountain of sea water on the horizon legendarily terminally shocked the sages of Atlantis.

Every month.

Jim Geraghty has finally stated the obvious about this:

If you ever have to get into a fistfight, make sure your opponent is an economist often consulted by the mainstream media, because that way you’ll always have the element of surprise.

Via… Jim Geraghty.

#rsrh QotD, Well, Andrew’s A Pro Edition.

Andrew Malcolm – who was at the RedState Gathering, by the way* – comes up with a title that makes reading the article itself almost irrelevant:

On Day 938 of his presidency, Obama says he’ll have a jobs plan in a month or so

But read it anyway.

Moe Lane

*Good guy.  We at RedState like him; he’s about the only reason most of us have for reading what I think Patterico calls the LA Daily Fishwrap.

#rsrh QotD, You’re Slipping, Bubba edition.

Former President Bill Clinton, trying to be nasty about Rick Perry:

“And he’s saying ‘Oh, I’m going to Washington to make sure that the federal government stays as far away from you as possible –while I ride on Air Force One and that Marine One helicopter and go to Camp David and travel around the world and have a good time.’ I mean, this is crazy.”

Seriously, Bill: have you seen your guy’s travel bill lately? President Obama hates going to Camp David.  He’d rather spend my tax money going to the places that are more like where all the movie Presidents get to go…

Via @pinkelephantpun

Moe Lane

#rsrh QotD, They Would Splutteringly Agree…

…If Only They Dared edition:

…Obama is a fighter for the progressive cause. Progressives are upset with him because he is a loser.

James Taranto (H/T Instapundit).  To which I’ll add: I will not say that I am no longer scared of our eventual candidate facing President Obama in the next election, because I was never scared in the first place.  But I will say that it is pleasant to see more and more members of the Republican party catching up to my position.

#rsrh QotD, Plenty of Blame To Go Around Edition.

Philip Klein, on why the President is not going to be able to avoid the shower of ordure that is even now busily descending upon our current ruling class:

When Obama came into office, he argued that we needed deficit spending to boost the economy, so he passed a $800 billion stimulus package. Then, in one of his first supposed pivots to the deficit, he convened a ‘fiscal responsibility summit’ in February 2009. But that actually turned out to be part of a different pivot altogether. It was during that summit that then White House Budget Director Peter Orszag declared, “health care reform is entitlement reform.”

And so, for the next 13 months, Obama spent all of his energies trying to get health care legislation across the finish line.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Plenty of Blame To Go Around Edition.