Special Halloween Chapbook sale, starting tomorrow!

For one week starting Saturday, all four of my chapbooks – ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, DECISIONS, and DUTIES – will be on 99 cent sale! Now is the time to pick up quick, illustrated spooky, horror, and fantasy stories! (Each book has four stories, approximately 32K words total, each with an illustration drawn for the story itself). Now is the time to buy!

…Well, tomorrow is the time to buy. But you know what I mean.


Tales From the Fermi Resolution: Vol. 1: Shadow of the Tower is on Kindle Super-Sale!

Tales From the Fermi Resolution: Vol. 1: Shadow of the Tower is only 99 cents for the next week! Set in the same world as FROZEN DREAMS and MORGAN BAROD, this sprawling anthology stretches over 900 years of future post-apocalyptic fantasy history! There are ten stories, including several never before published; and, for fans of FROZEN DREAMS, there’s a new novelette starring Tom Vargas. You won’t need it to appreciate the upcoming TINSEL RAIN, but it won’t hurt!
