I dunno why.
Tag: seed
Adventure seed: Dude, Where’s My Tree?
Blame this.
Dude, Where’s my Tree?
So, the party gets a knock on the door of their office one evening – what, they don’t have an office? If you’re running a modern supernatural/occult fixer game the party has to have an office. It’s practically de rigeur. Otherwise, how is anybody supposed to find them in order to hire them, threaten them, or collapse in a dying heap on the floor while croaking out one last cryptic warning? Continue reading Adventure seed: Dude, Where’s My Tree?
Item seed: The Broad-Origin, Radiating Information-Nullification Generator.
The Broad-Origin, Radiating Information-Nullification Generator
This item is fairly clearly of Department of Defense manufacture, and intended for the field, at that. It’s your standard nine-inch, ten pound cuboid with a handle, a pull-tab, one-time activation switch, and enough rubberized, blunt-spiked corners and hardened steel to make it clear that you could swing B.O.R.I.N.G. at somebody’s head and still have it work afterwards. Which happens quite a lot, really. Continue reading Item seed: The Broad-Origin, Radiating Information-Nullification Generator.
Item Seed: Koreite.
I also got one for ‘plotonium,’ but that may be taking the joke too far.
Koreite (three syllables, by the way) is an ‘element’ that exists in universes that are at the outer edge of being habitable for ‘regular’ humans (i.e., us). If sampled, it appears to be atomically equivalent to indium… which is absurd, because indium doesn’t glow blue and is toxic. Koreite is also incredibly more common in its ‘host’ universes than indium is in ours. Continue reading Item Seed: Koreite.
Item Seed: Platonium
This stuff can only be made in a particle accelerator that has been consecrated to the worship of Hephaestus by a priestess of the Cabeiri mystery cult. Fortunately, there are any number of engineering fraternities that can provide the necessary personnel, which is one reason why the American Greek system continues to exist on the collegiate level. The esoteric benefits are simply still too vital for national security. Continue reading Item Seed: Platonium
Group Seed: Silence Dogood’s Master Practical Jewelers.
Blame it all on this.
Silence Dogood’s Master Practical Jewelers
“Lost time is never found again. Guaranteed.”
So you’ve stolen yourself a time machine. The problem now becomes, how do you get away with it for any length of, well, time? After all, aside from the usual questions about causality and predestination and whatnot, there’s also the practical problem that the entities that you stole the time machine from probably want that time machine back, and in all likelihood the original owners have some generally efficient way to track down their stolen property. After all: how many times have you heard about people stealing time machines?
Exactly. Continue reading Group Seed: Silence Dogood’s Master Practical Jewelers.
Location Seed: Happy World.
Based, more or less, on this.
Happy World
Type of City: Brigadoon/Carcosa
Population: Highly variable. Typically between 25,000 and 150,000.
Size: Variable. Usually roughly between 20 and 50 square miles.
Level of Technology: A range between the late Victorian and early Interplanetary era-equivalents.
It is said – although nowhere that a regular person might hear it – that every time the concept of an individual amusement park or carnival dies, the ever-shifting and moving city known as ‘Happy World’ will appear to draw in a piece of that doomed park unto itself. Typically this means that when a carnival goes out of business, some of its buildings and attractions (and staffers!) somehow vanish in the chaos. But Happy World will still come and do its harvesting if the park was never actually built in the first place. Dreams, reality, material, immaterial; it is all one to Happy World. Continue reading Location Seed: Happy World.
Adventure seed: Duck Butter.
Duck Butter
It’s… butter. Made from duck milk. At least, that’s what the alchemists say: and never mind that ducks are waterfowl, and thus do not give milk. It would appear that somebody set off too much chaos magic in one place again. Continue reading Adventure seed: Duck Butter.
Item Seed: Apocalypse Dischargers
Apocalypse Dischargers
These rather bizarre artifacts are incredibly far ahead of any Galactic race’s technology to make: so much so, in fact, that at first glance they barely register as technological artifacts at all. Each one resembles a ceramic egg about two feet long, weighing about ten pounds; the Discharger is slightly cool to the touch, feels solid, and is impervious to pretty much everything. And ‘everything’ means everything. Somebody shot one into a star, once. It came out the other side. Continue reading Item Seed: Apocalypse Dischargers
Item Seed: Elritch Fine Fashions.
Elritch Fine Fashions
The corporate management of Elritch Fine Fashions would like to assure its regular customers that the persistent rumors about the company are absolutely false, not to mention scurrilous and mendacious. It is, of course, true that the Elritch family has been involved in the English clothing trade since the Elizabethan era, when Martin the Elritch first used his connections to Walsingham and Dee in order to acquire the prerogative of providing official garments for various Crown and Court rituals. And it is also true that the American branch of the family relocated from Salem to Providence in some haste, back at the end of the 17th century. It is even true that both branches of the family worked with both the SOE and the OSS to play a patriotic, yet still obscure, role in World War II. Continue reading Item Seed: Elritch Fine Fashions.