Quote of the Day, Tremble In Fear At This Speculation edition.

The leadup will take too long to explain, so just click through, this one time. OK? OK.  So heeeeeere’s the quote:

…With JJ Abrams having helmed both the Star Trek and Star Wars movie franchises, this is the sign that the worst idea for a crossover event ever is in the works and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. It’s the theoretical universe-destroying contact between Redshirts that must always die and Stormtroopers that must always miss. If any of us survive and manage to rebuild our lost civilization, remember to keep the knowledge of where our hubris became too great and brought our works to ruin.

There’s only one reason why this can’t happen.  Disney owns Star Wars. Paramount owns Star Trek. I don’t think that either company is willing to let the other get its dirty mitts on each other’s intellectual property.

Moe Lane

PS: The Federation would kick the Empire’s asses, of course.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens gets an… appropriate number of Oscar nominations, probably.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens netted five technical Academy Award nominations but missed out on acting nominations and Best Picture. And, can I be honest? …That’s not unfair.  TFA is a popcorn movie.  A good popcorn movie that made up for the failure of the second trilogy of Star Wars films, but it’s not High Art and I don’t mind terribly that the Academy doesn’t see it the way that they saw the Lord of the Rings trilogy*.

John Williams probably has a lock for Best Original Score, though. Because, you know, John Williams.

Moe Lane

*I pretty much think that Return of the King‘s sweep represents the Academy’s tacit decision to wait until the whole thing was out and THEN make it rain for Peter Jackson.

Quote of the Day, George Lucas Is Upset That Star Wars No Longer Sucks edition.

This post of mine took longer than you might think to put up: it’s rather difficult to type when you’re only using two middle fingers.

Mr. Lucas appeared particularly unhappy with the direction the “Star Wars” franchise has taken since he sold the rights to it, along with Lucasfilm, his company, to Disney for $4 billion. He compared the sale to a breakup and a divorce.

The kind where one of the parties involved has to put out a restraining order… hey, I AM being measured in my response. Lucas literally called Disney ‘white slavers’ in this interview. As long as I don’t go more over-the-top than he did, I’m golden.

Moe Lane Continue reading Quote of the Day, George Lucas Is Upset That Star Wars No Longer Sucks edition.

My assumption is that you haven’t seen Star Wars by Friday…

…you probably won’t be doing so any time soon. Up to that point, I’m not going to discuss anything that might be a spoiler, period; after that, I plan to talk about the film, with the usual [SPOILERS] tag of course. I figure that I can do that and remain essentially honorable.

Moe Lane

PS: I’ve had to unfriend one person on Facebook who just flat-out threw out the spoilers for the movie. Fortunately, I saw that AFTER I watched the movie, so I was disgusted rather than furious.  There’s being edgy, and then there’s just being a sykes. Don’t be a sykes.

My spoiler-free review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Bottom line: It Did Not Suck. Also… :JJ Abrams waves his fingers: There were no Episodes I through III. Mind you, there was also virtually none of the Extended Universe that all the true Star Wars fans* know, and I don’t know how much of the former counter-balances the latter for hardcore fans. For myself, I had an excellent time, and there was a bunch of stuff in that movie that I didn’t anticipate at all.  So… good job with not giving spoilers, Internet!

Moe Lane

PS: Hell yeah you should go see this flick. As I said on Twitter:

*Look, I’m a nerd and a geek and a SF fan.  I’ve watched the movies and played a bunch of the video games. But I don’t pretend to be steeped in the Knowledge the way that some people are.


SOON. Drop the kids off at school, go to the local 9:30 AM showing.  Reasonably straightforward, right?

…Actually, I’m startled that I was able to reserve a ticket. My original pick – 11 AM at the mall – was sold out to Heck and back.  I didn’t actually expect to be able to see this in a comfortable lounge chair at a much more reasonable hour of the morning (from my point of view). Go figure.