A playbill from my upcoming anthology TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2.

One last thing my editor and I worked out for ‘Verdict of History.’ It’s a playbill for the play, and I flatter myself that it came out all right. Particularly since I am not, in point of fact, actually a graphic artist. Note that I can’t actually add that much to it, given that it has to be reproduced in black and white in the eventual book, and possibly not at a great DPI.

The preorder store for TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 is here, btw. You can buy the first volume here.


60% edits done on TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2!

Although technically my editor should look at the additional bits in question first. I mean, there’s probably a typo or two. There always are. For that matter, I’m morally certain that I was abusing my poor semicolons again. I’m just horrible that way.

As always, you can pick up the first volume of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION here.


Reminder: TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, VOL 2 has a Backerkit preorder store.

Found here. We’re starting to get to the point where TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION will be, like, a real book and everything. So now is the time to get your signed paperback preorders! Or… my other books, too. I’ll be signing those copies, as well.

For those unfamiliar, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 is part of my Fermi Resolution post-apocalyptic fantasy series. As the cover shows, it’s set in a future where magic caused the collapse of technological society… only people aren’t taking that lying down. And yeah, I look forward to seeing that cover in print, too.


Honestly, I wasn’t even going to bring either book up to the folks at Page After Page (the store hosting me on October 12). TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 1 is an anthology of short stories, not a novel; and GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is science fiction horror, not fantasy. But they got in touch with me, asked me about the new stuff, and we figure we’ll give it all a whirl. Worst case scenario, they don’t sell and I have a few extra copies around for a while.


4/10 done of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 edits.

Things are moving along. I even got to keep more of my colons and semicolons for this story! Truly, June is the best month of the year.

Don’t forget to pick up the first volume of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION! Some of the characters from those stories show up again in the upcoming anthology! There’s continuity! Amazing!


Announcing the June Moe Lane’s Novels BLOWOUT SALE!

That’s right: starting June 1st, ALL of my novels (and TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 1) will be on sale for 99 cents (99 pence in the UK) for one week! For less than five bucks you can have it all (well, except for the chapbooks). Now is the time to get your piece of my genius!

Or, you know, you can buy them all now and put more money in my pocket. Either is cool.

Continue reading Announcing the June Moe Lane’s Novels BLOWOUT SALE!

25% of the way through on first TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 2 edits.

‘25%’ because my editor has some thoughts on Thus Do I Refute Omelas (not the actual title). There’s some pacing issues, I need to distinguish more between two characters, and this one guy needs to be presented slightly differently. …Huh. When I actually write it out, that list looks a lot easier to accomplish. Go figure.

In other words, we are ticking along on the next volume of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION. Huzzah! Read the first one now!
