Found here. Short version: Cruz is focusing in areas where Scott Walker was and is strong, and making a strong play for blue-collar voters. This is the smart way to do it.
Tag: ted cruz
Tweet of the Day, Add The Skull Of Thrones To The BadThought Pile edition.
Guess who didn’t react well to Gov. Scott Walker (sky-high approval ratings among Republicans in Wisconsin) endorsing Ted Cruz?
Trump is now attacking Walker for cutting back on schools and roads instead of raising taxes
— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) March 29, 2016
I suppose it must be wearying, waking up every morning and wondering, What accomplishment or inspirational figure must I learn to hate today? Then again, nobody told these people to walk down that road. In fact, there was a lot of yelling and waving-off going on at the time…
Surprising new California poll!
Naturally, the LA Times buried the lede: their title is “Donald Trump leads in California primary race but threatens a GOP fracture.” Which, of course, fits the LA Times‘ preferred narrative of the election cycle: Donald Trump is poised to take the GOP down with him into a fiery crash into a dumpster fire at the goat rodeo while the clown show watches. But if you take a look at the actual numbers? Well, among registered voters that poll has it Trump 37, Cruz 30, Kasich 12. Not actually in itself bad news for Ted Cruz, because he was polling at single digits in California up to this point, and he can make up the difference. But if you look at likely voters? Then that poll gives you Trump 36, Cruz 35, Kasich 14. Continue reading Surprising new California poll!
My RedState post on David Dewhurst.
Found here. Short version: hey, David Dewhurst endorsed Ted Cruz! Good for him. That was the right call. I didn’t expect it, either.
My RedState post on the weekend schedules.
Found here. Short version: Cruz is/was doing a bit of work this weekend to lock down Wisconsin; Kasich at the time was passing on Wisconsin until next week (he’s added some town halls since); and Donald Trump is apparently going to spend the weekend in seclusion, and [REDACTED BECAUSE THERE IS A RED HAZE ACROSS MY VISION.]
:deep breath:
Moe Lane
My RedState post on the Jeb endorsement.
Found here. Short version: Jeb Bush’s endorsement does actually help Ted Cruz*. But, possibly more importantly… it’s effectively a message to Kasich that he should stop trying to make ‘fetch’ happen.
Moe Lane
*Yeah, if I had said that in March of 2015 all y’all would have looked at me funny. I would have looked at me funny, too. Since then… well, it’s been that kind of year.
My RedState piece on Ted Cruz calling Trump a coward.
Found here. Short version… there is no short version. I’ve tried to summarize it three times and every time the wordcount soared. This one, you’re just gonna have to click through, sorry.
My RedState post on Ted Cruz at the border.
Found here. Short version: I don’t know whether Ted Cruz wins Arizona or not, but he’s giving it a shot. It’s a 2.5 man race at this point, so we’ll see?
Marco Rubio reportedly close to endorsing Ted Cruz.
Even if true, there are apparently a bunch of details that still need to be worked out, but honestly: if Marco Rubio is serious about doing everything he can to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the nominee, it’s Ted Cruz or nobody. It’s not even really a stretch for Rubio: him and Cruz are actually fairly close to each other in opinions, and the trash-talk between the two was never going to be particularly problematic in the long term. There’s also the issue of Rubio’s delegates: he doesn’t have control over where they all go, but he has some control over where some of them go, and of course his opinion would carry weight with those of Rubio’s delegates that can freely go elsewhere.
One other note: Marco Rubio has, at this point, gotten one-sixth of the votes cast thus far in the Republican primaries. Contra some of the people quoted in that Politico article, Rubio’s endorsement and support is something that Ted Cruz would rather like to have. Particularly if it comes with some stumping in various critical primary states.
Moe Lane
I endorse Ted Cruz for President.
And then there were three. With Marco Rubio out after Florida (which I feared) and John Kasich winning in Ohio (which I accepted, with gritted teeth) it comes down to Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Nobody, and Donald Trump. Which, interestingly enough, is both the alphabetical order of the remaining candidates, and how I’m ranking them in terms of acceptability. It’s actually not the most horrible thing: I liked Marco Rubio a good deal, but I like Ted Cruz too.
So… Ted Cruz for President, and may God defend the right.