Texas passes Illinois in median household income.

How… interesting.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2012 the inflation-adjusted median household income for Texas surpassed that of Illinois for the first time since 1984, when the statistic first started being recorded.

That means the household making the median income in Texas is taking home a bigger paycheck than the household making the median income in Illinois.

Continue reading Texas passes Illinois in median household income.

Hey, did you give money to Wendy Davis?

You did*?


Wendy Davis backs 20-week abortion ban that defers to women

Wendy Davis said Tuesday that she would have supported a ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, if the law adequately deferred to a woman and her doctor.

As many, many people have noted: this is shorthand for “Oh, right, I’m running for office in Texas.” It’s not that she is actually embracing a pro-life position; there’s a lot of wiggle room in that statement.  What it does mean is that Wendy Davis, when faced with a choice between sticking to her guns, and breaking and running, picked breaking and running.  That’s not what her out-of-state supporters paid for… but that’s what they’re going to get, and there are a lot of vulnerable Democratic candidates who could have used that money.

Continue reading Hey, did you give money to Wendy Davis?

So I hear that Wendy Davis is trying to pander on guns now.

“Open carry,” no less.


I happen to agree with RB Pundit, but I just wanted to make sure that anybody who hates guns who sent this woman money understands the nature of the message that they’re now funding. Particularly since the woman is still going to lose. Which means that… all of the money that she raised will end up just helping the pro-gun rights side, in the form of “Even the liberal Wendy Davis supported open carry…”

Greg Abbott Wheelchair Troofers. How charming.

As in, people who think that Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott doesn’t REALLY need a wheelchair. Like Twitchy, I am hoping that this is just an example that, in a population of 300+ million, you’re going to find two abject idiots with the same delusion and an email account, but as I understand the current rules-set of the Democratic party Wendy Davis is required to own the aforementioned abject idiots. Moral of the story? What goes around, comes around.  Don’t like it? Don’t go around.

Also: I understand Glenn Reynolds‘ rueful head-shake over how far the Party of FDR has fallen, but I am compelled to note that FDR was forced to go to great lengths to conceal just how badly he had been crippled by polio.  Largely because he was (apparently justifiably) worried that being frank on that topic would hurt him with Democratic voters…

Moe Lane

Tweet of the Day, This HAD To Have Been Garbled Somehow edition.

Because if it’s an accurate quote, well…

…it’s a shame that there’s no mercy rule in Texas electoral politics. A darn shame. Continue reading Tweet of the Day, This HAD To Have Been Garbled Somehow edition.

$20 says Texas gets its high-speed rail project functional before California does.

Here are the details:

A new report from D Magazine quotes a Texas Tribune reporter talking about the high-speed train.

The report said a member of the Texas Transportation commission has confirmed that Texas Central High-Speed Railway is studying the possibility of a Dallas-Fort Worth to Houston rail line.

And here’s why Texas would beat California, if this project happens:

TCHR is a for-profit company.

Yup, I’m talking trash about both California, and the inability of government to measure up to private enterprise. So? Continue reading $20 says Texas gets its high-speed rail project functional before California does.

Go West, young Lefty. Just not to California, no matter how aching your heart is*.

This is a serious suggestion: if you’re a young liberal looking to get ahead, sure, move to the Pacific coast.  Just avoid California like the plague.


Travis H. Brown, author of How Money Walks, points to IRS figures that track the flow of wealth from some states and to others. From 1992 -2010, California was a net loser of $45.27 billion in adjusted gross income. $6.02 billion of that went to Texas. Texas, on the other hand, gained $24.94 billion in AGI during those years, with California the top source for transfers.

Continue reading Go West, young Lefty. Just not to California, no matter how aching your heart is*.

White conservative wins Texas election in black district by omitting one small detail.

Well, that’s one way to win a community college board of trustees election.

Dave Wilson chuckles as he talks about his unorthodox political campaign.

“I’d always said it was a long shot,” Wilson says. “No, I didn’t expect to win.”

Still, he figured he’d have fun running, because he was fed up with what he called “all the shenanigans” at the Houston Community College System. As a conservative white Republican running in a district whose voters are overwhelmingly black Democrats, the odds seemed overwhelmingly against him.

Then he came up with an idea, an advertising strategy that his opponent found “disgusting.” If a white guy didn’t have a chance in a mostly African-American district, Wilson would lead voters to think he’s black.

And it apparently worked.

Continue reading White conservative wins Texas election in black district by omitting one small detail.

Flash flooding in Austin, TX.

Prayers for the folks caught up in this.

One man was killed as heavy rains across Central Texas swelled rivers and creeks and triggered flash flooding Thursday, prompting dozens of rescues across a region that’s been dealing with a long, punishing drought.

About 10 miles south of Austin, one frightening rescue involved a couple whose SUV was swept away by floodwaters. They were forced to cling to trees for hours until a helicopter rescued them on Halloween morning.

In all, the National Weather Service said, more than a foot of rain fell across Texas’ midsection, including up to 14 inches in Wimberley, southwest of the state capital.

For those wondering: yeah, Steve Jackson is in Austin; and, yeah, his house was totaled. He’s fine, but he’s going to need a new house.

Moe Lane