Barack Obama opines on border crisis… nowhere near where the border crisis actually is.

Not that the news will mention that:

Let me give you some perspective. Eyeballing a map of Texas, the closest border from Austin looks to be Del Rio. That’s reasonable, sure?


  Continue reading Barack Obama opines on border crisis… nowhere near where the border crisis actually is.

Quote of the Day, This Is Amusingly Obvious About Wendy Davis edition.

Well, it’s certainly not painful. At least, for me:

“[Erstwhile Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis is] not doing as well as people had hoped, expected or wanted,” said Bill Miller, an Austin lobbyist who works with both Democrats and Republicans and who is a friend of Ms. Davis’s. “I think there were unrealistic expectations.”

Gee, you think? – Not that I mind national Democrats throwing 20 million down the money pit that is the Wendy Davis campaign.  It fuels economic activity – and better that it be spent on doomed Democratic campaigns than on viable Democratic ones.  But I do wonder if anybody on the Left is going to take a hit to their credibility for encouraging this wasted effort in the first place.  Probably not – and that’s not really a partisan slam; accountability for failure is rarely taken, and even more rarely offered.  Shoot, I have gotten it wrong on more than occasion.

I’ve also never set on fire 20 million of my own party’s money in the process, mind you.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

And now *Texas* Veterans Affairs offices join the Dying In Line scandal.

How many Veterans Affairs offices did this, anyway?

A Department of Veterans Affairs scheduling clerk has accused VA officials in Austin and San Antonio of manipulating medical appointment data in an attempt to hide long wait times to see doctors and psychiatrists, the American-Statesman has learned.

In communications with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, a federal investigative body that protects government whistleblowers, the 40-year-old VA employee said he and others were “verbally directed by lead clerks, supervisors, and during training” to ensure that wait times at the Austin VA Outpatient Clinic and the North Central Federal Clinic in San Antonio were “as close to zero days as possible.”

All of them?

Continue reading And now *Texas* Veterans Affairs offices join the Dying In Line scandal.

Wendy Davis’s spokesman abruptly quits.

By the way, did you know that campaign contributions are, generally speaking, non-refundable? Just tossing that out there:

Bo Delp, spokesman and former communications director for Sen. Wendy Davis’ campaign for governor, has resigned.

Delp said it was “an honor” to work for the Democratic senator, who faces Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott. He said that he is confident in her candidacy and that he will support her “wherever and whenever possible.”

Just as long as it’s understood that it’s impossible for ol’ Bo to be the spokesman for Wendy Davis, I guess. I know, I know: they always say stuff like that, on both sides. And it always makes me laugh.

Moe Lane

Rick Perry gets cheered, amiably booed, on Jimmy Kimmel show.

Jimmy was doing the show in Austin, you see. It’s fascinating viewing; I get the impression that Austin and Rick Perry cheerfully despise each other in a very complicated way that lesser (read: non-Texan) beings can only hope to dimly understand. I mean, obviously Austin doesn’t like him, but they’re pleased as punch that he came by so as to let them boo him personally – and Governor Perry seems content to bask in their warm disapproval*.  It’s all very cozy.

Here’s the first clip:

I swear to God, I wish that he hadn’t had that back pain in 2012. Although he might be a better candidate for it in 2016: negative reinforcement can be a powerful teaching tool.

Moe Lane

*I have to say: Rick Perry’s stance of I think that all you hippies are clearly idiots for smoking the marijuana, but I’m tired of the Great State of Texas locking you up for it is… a workable way to approach the subject.



Man stabbed with Legend of Zelda Master Sword in serious condition

Few could doubt the power of the Master Sword, not only has it defeated countless incarnations of Ganondorf in the Legend of Zelda series, but now it has hospitalised a Texan.

A man was stabbed with the point of a replica of the legendary sword during a domestic dispute in the city of Katy.


…The ex-husband was taken to hospital following the altercation, but not before he, in true Zelda fashion, smashed a pot (a flower pot, over the head of Thompson).


Moe Lane

H/T AoSHQ, who is also so going to Hell for this.

So I hear that Texas Democrats are about to nominate a LaRouchie for TX-SEN.

Oh, yeah, like that’s not going to be awkward.

Texas Democrats are scrambling to can stop a controversial pro-impeachment, anti-ObamaCare candidate from advancing in their party’s Senate primary.

Winning the general election is long shot for any nominee. But with Democrats optimistic about a resurgence in the Lone Star State and their chances in the governor’s race, Lyndon LaRouche acolyte Kesha Rogers could damage those hopes if she even advances to a runoff on Tuesday.

Such a scenario once seemed like a long shot, but a University of Texas-Texas Tribune Internet-based survey late last month showed the controversial candidate outpolling two better-funded and well-endorsed opponents, dentist David Alameel and attorney Maxey Scherr.

Mind you – and contra the Hill – the Democrats aren’t about to win the Governor’s race this fall.  And I would suggest that the people who let this situation arise in the Democratic primaries… are wonderful people who shouldn’t change a thing.  Well done, folks.  Well done.

Moe Lane

PS: No. Really. I am terrified of the Democrats in Texas now.  They can even repeat that, I am so despondent…