Hey, did you like that installment of the Bold Marauder yesterday?

Well, if you did: if you sign up for my Patreon you’ll be able to get another hit of that! I’ll be doing a new five hundred word installment of The Bold Marauder SF pulp serial (open for anyone to read) for each new patron until we hit $200/month; then it becomes a weekly feature! It’d be a crime to pass up this deal! So don’t!

Exclamation point!

Prologue, First Two Chapters of ‘The Bold Marauder.’

You can find them here. This is the Pulp SF serial that I do on Patreon, whenever I have a new subscriber. If I get it up to $200/month, I can write a new installment every week; you want people to have that in their lives, right? So tell your friends! And show them the chapters: the post is public, so they should have no trouble seeing the chapters.

New installment of ‘The Bold Marauder’ up on Patreon.

I got a subscriber for my Patreon, so everybody gets another installment.  That’s how it works until $200/month; when that happens, the installments come every week, but only patrons get to see them.  It’s an interesting Prisoner’s Dilemma, don’t you think?  Best to solve it by signing up now, and let the Devil take the hindmost.
