The Ebony Tarn of Alberta [The Day After Ragnarok]

In case it isn’t obvious, I’m trying to finish up and clean up some stuff that’s been lurking in my hard drive for a while.  Way overdue, honestly.


The Ebony Tarn of Alberta

[The Day After Ragnarok]


Not every effect of the Serpentfall was supernatural: in Alberta’s case, the mere shifting of tectonic plates was enough to bring its existing vast reserves of oil even closer to the surface. The countryside from wendigo-haunted Edmonton to new-walled Calgary has been transformed to a natural oil seepage, and the stubborn stay-behinds who refused to move after Alberta rang like a bell have discovered that the men in far-off, safe, warm Vancouver will pay good money for the suddenly accessible crude (and largely clean) oil while not asking too many questions. The province now has teams of wildcatters feverishly and roughly exploiting the new oil supplies, with whatever equipment they can find (or steal, or rob).  In exchange, back East comes survival goods, luxuries, and new immigrants.   Continue reading The Ebony Tarn of Alberta [The Day After Ragnarok]

The Louisiana Death Bayou [The Day After Ragnarok]

I hope that this game line comes back soon; the world is a heck of a lot of fun to write in.


The Louisiana Death Bayou

[The Day After Ragnarok]

Looking for adventure in this post-Serpentfall world?  Visit the romantic Louisiana Death Bayou!  

Continue reading The Louisiana Death Bayou [The Day After Ragnarok]

The Blood Fiend of Toledo [The Day After Ragnarok]

The Blood Fiend of Toledo – Google Docs

The Blood Fiend of Toledo [The Day After Ragnarok]

Toledo, Ohio is a haunted ruin.  Just ask anybody.  There was a plague, and then there was a huge fire, and then the usual Things moved in – and now the city’s abandoned.  Except for the Things. Thankfully the Things keep to themselves, whatever they are, but smart people don’t go into the ruins.  Especially once the drained corpses of various animals and lesser monsters started showing up on the outskirts of the city.  The legend of the Blood Fiend of Toledo is already making the rounds of all the dives and pirate havens on the Great Lakes, and the tales get steadily taller. Continue reading The Blood Fiend of Toledo [The Day After Ragnarok]

The Golden Horseshoe League [The Day After Ragnarok]

Something that I’m playing around with in my spare time.  Based on the The Day After Ragnarok RPG, of course.

The Golden Horseshoe League

In the first years after the Serpent Fell, the lands of the Americans were wracked by fire and war and poisoned rain.  New nations were forged in the broken-backed forge of the Middle West: Chicago, with its desperados and Aldermen; blood-soaked Iowa, where the very grain itself called out for human gore; haunted Birmingham, grim Bone-lands, home of the Ghost-men, eternally damned yet more afraid of the shadows; and many others.

Continue reading The Golden Horseshoe League [The Day After Ragnarok]

Geez, slow day all around.

Dull, even.  I spent a large portion of it trying to figure out how much of the Great Lakes a city-state alliance of Buffalo and Rochester, NY, and Hamilton and Toronto, Ontario could control.  Answer: quite a bit, although push it too far and Detroit and Cleveland would probably ally and invade The Golden Horseshoe League overland.  I really hope that The Day After Ragnarok RPG gets back on its feet, soon.: there’s a ton of things that you can do with the setting in the Northeast of North America alone.

Indianapolis [The Day After Ragnarok]

(This is a noncommercial, fan-generated writeup for The Day After Ragnarok RPG.)

I put together some stuff for The Day After Ragnarok that I was interested in eventually selling, before the game line went on hopefully limited hiatus.  Here’s the beginning stuff for one thing that I was working on. Continue reading Indianapolis [The Day After Ragnarok]

Kiwanis Independent [The Day After Ragnarok]

(This is a noncommercial, fan-generated writeup for The Day After Ragnarok RPG.)

Kiwanis Independent (Day After Ragnarok)

Type of Organization: extra-national mutual aid society
Current Goal: Stopping the downward spiral of the Serpentfall
Membership: 15,000-25,000 (estimated, and scattered all over North America)
Headquarters: Indianapolis (since 1947)
Strongholds: Canada, Mayoralities, Texas, USA
Where they’re fighting: Iowa Soviet, Konfederacy, Poisoned Lands

Continue reading Kiwanis Independent [The Day After Ragnarok]