The Secret World RPG Kickstarter is scheduled for 4Q 2022.

And that’s all I know.

I’ll be backing this, naturally. Anything that gets more people interested in the Secret World Legends MMO, which would means updates to the MMO. I might even be tempted to write a scenario or two for it, although it’d require me getting deeper into 5e D&D. Still, worth it for the personal satisfaction, if nothing else…

Tweet of the Day, How Did I Miss The TSW TTRPG Kickstarter News? edition.

Actually, I know how I missed the news of a Secret World TTRPG and Kickstarter. I missed it because when it came out I was off writing a novel. This is gonna be way cool.

Secret World Legends *may* be coming to TV.

Emphasis on ‘may.’ The television landscaped is littered with the bleached corpses of TV concepts.  Still:

We are excited to share the news that Johnny Depp’s Infinitum Nihil and G4C Innovation’s Gudrun Giddings have partnered to produce The Secret World, a TV series based on The Secret World and Secret World Legends! The TV series is based on the universe of the Secret World IP and centers on a team of undercover agents and the shadowy war between secret societies, the Illuminati, Dragon and the Templar. Central to the plot is the battle against the supernatural in an adventure that spans across our world, multiple dimensions, and incorporates the realms of ancient myths and legends as well as today’s conspiracy theories and headline news.

The pilot was written by James V. Hart (HookDraculaContact) and Jake Hart. Johnny Depp, Christi Dembrowski, Sam Sarkar and Gudrun Giddings will produce together with Showrunner Pam Veasey. (CSI-NY). CAA (Creative Artists Agency) is packaging.

…very cool, if it happens.  Also guarantees new content, which would be even cooler. And thank God for Conan Exiles, hey?

Secret World Legends is up! …IF you already had an account.

Those of us from the old days have a weekend to kick all the tires and whatnot before Secret World Legends launches for everybody else Monday (or maybe it’s open for all now?).  I spent a couple of hours getting through the tutorials and whatnot.  The combat does seem to be a bit different, and the skill system definitely is. On the plus side, the graphics are better, there are people around again, and we’re back to having a bunch of different currencies to manipulate for various benefits.  And yes, I absolutely missed the currency manipulation. I’m weird like that.

One thing, though: if you were previously a The Secret World member, log into SWL with your TSW account and password so that you can port over all your old vanity stuff.  Like your motorcycles and whatnot.  The in-game cash apparently ain’t coming over, though – more’s the pity.

Now, if you’ll excuse me: I need to see a person about a cabal.  Surely the League of Monster Slayers is back online…

Well, I’ve been putting it off, but: time to park my The Secret World character.

I dunno when Secret World Legends is starting up – haven’t gotten a beta invitation yet, which is a little annoying* – so it’s time to get my The Secret World character all squared away and in full dress uniform and somewhere appropriate for the fall of night.  She’s no Commander Shepard or Grey Warden or Dragonborn, but… no, that’s not really fair.  I invested a lot of time in my Bee.  Weird to say that about video game characters, but it’s true all the same.

Time to go see Kirsten Geary in her office. She always was an old softy, really.

Moe Lane

*Am I not a Grandmaster Panoptic? With wings, no less.

Hey, for anybody else who plays The Secret World…

…the link to reserve your favorite The Secret World character’s name on Secret World Legends is not always showing up on the account page.  Here’s a link:<ACCOUNT NAME HERE>/namereservation

Replace <ACCOUNT NAME HERE> with whatever username you use to log into your TSW account and you should be good.  Also: here’s the link to sign up for the beta. Continue reading Hey, for anybody else who plays The Secret World…

So I got asked about how I feel about The Secret World changing.

It happened in comments here, and it’s a fair question.  Basically: The Secret World is re-configuring itself as Secret Worlds Legends, a free-to-play game with a Patron level, presumably to pay for the whole thing.  There are a lot of people gasping and clutching at their chests at the coming loss of their cheevos, pets, mounts, and vanity gear… to say nothing of their high-end weapons and artifacts and maxed-out ability wheels and everything else.  So how do I feel about this?

The answer is: …I’m OK with it.  I love that MMO, but it was slowly strangling for lack of meaningful content and there’s a limit to how far you can coast on that.  In retrospect, the uninspired Halloween event of last year should have been a warning sign.  TSW’s best holiday has always been Halloween; having it be so blah suggested real problems.

As I understand it, I can reserve my favorite character name and restart with a goodly portion of my loot.  Plus, as a Grandmaster I am going to be a Patron for life anyway, so it’s actually free-to-play for me for real. If I can get new content and we can all go back to the model of freaking out new players by swooping in on them and inexorably and mercilessly helping them out, I’m good with the new model.

But I want that new content.



…Well, I’m not going to strangle anything that’s alive. That’s wicked.  I’m just venting here because I just spent forty-five minutes trying to figure out The Secret World’s new Samhain event – which is supposed to be a high point of that MMO’s development calendar – and it keeps blowing up in people’s faces. I understand that Day One rollouts can be rough, but nobody knows anything about how to win the event; worse, there’s nothing on the maps.  You have to put the quest icons on the maps, sorry. Not doing so is kind of a schmuck move.

Sorry.  As stated before: venting.

Jeez, The Secret World Halloween event gets more delayed every year.

The latest one isn’t even up yet (it’s going to load tomorrow). I mention this largely because, once The Secret World Samhain event is up, I intend to play the heck out of it. This is always the big event for this particular MMO: I have no intention of missing it. So if posting gets erratic until after Halloween, that’s a big reason why…

For those of you who played the Secret World MMO…

…FunCom is having The Secret World‘s fourth year anniversary Event this week, and the next.  Which I plan to spend a bit of time mucking about in. It’s not so much the gameplay, although TSW is one of those MMOs with really cool, funky lore. It’s that the general operating environment is kind of… soothing. I’ve played in a couple of other MMOs, and I can say that TSW’s is the friendliest that I can think of. This is a valuable thing.