Tweet of the Day, …I Roll To Disbelieve! I ROLL TO DISBELIEVE! Edition

I hope to God this isn’t as bad as it sounds.

Because if you don’t have a strategy, here’s a free one: shut your mouth until you do.

Tweet of the Day, Why, Then, This Is Hell… edition

…nor are White House aides out of it:

You would have to be inhuman to not internally wince at that statement, as you made it. And by ‘inhuman’ I mean ‘your genetic heritage comes not from this Earth.’

Moe Lane
Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Why, Then, This Is Hell… edition

Tweet of the Day, The Photographer Should Get An Award For This.

Because the more you look at it, the more impressive it gets.

That is Art, with a capital A.

Tweet of the Day, The Hypocrisy Surprises Even ME edition.

This is still the best encapsulation of the online showdown over the Hobby Lobby decision that I’ve seen:

…I’m not even sure if the Online Left truly groks the weird rhetorical place that they’ve ended up in, there.