Because somebody in the Wisconsin Democratic party needs to be the adult in the David Prosser/JoAnne Kloppenburg state Supreme Court recount, here. This nonsense has gone on long enough: three weeks and a quarter-million taxpayer dollars later, it has – not ‘become’ obvious that Prosser has won. It’s been obvious since they certified the results. What’s more properly ‘become’ obvious is that the Kloppenburg camp has decided to simply wait until the recount is over, then challenge the results in court on the grounds of a Democrat lost/ they don’t like the results/democracy. Which is why the Democrats are doing things like disenfranchising nuns; it’s all about the narrative that they hope to present, at this point.
As to why the Democrats need to find some adults, fast… it’s for their own self-preservation, really. Shark & Shepherd gives the reason: even postulating that a successful challenge to and overthrow of legitimate election* results occurs (which neither he or I think is likely), the consequences to the Democratic party of Wisconsin would be disastrous. Continue reading Where are the adult Wisconsin Democrats?