#rsrh David Prosser refuses to provoke the Lords of Karma.

Smart of him:

Justice David Prosser appeared on Fox News Thursday night and told host Greta Van Sustern, “I’m not conceding, and I’m not congratulating. And I’m not claiming victory.”

“We’re simply waiting out the process,” Prosser added.

One of the single most foolish things that you can do in this business is prematurely declare victory.  Sure, when it works it’s great; but if it doesn’tContinue reading #rsrh David Prosser refuses to provoke the Lords of Karma.

The Morning After Wisconsin.

Well.  It’s barely Prosser, and we’re off to the recount.  You’re going to see the phrase  ‘margin of fraud’ a lot this morning; while this is a valid concern, the bright side to that is that with a Republican governor AND Republican legislature – neither of which is particularly inclined to be trusting – Wisconsin Democrats will find it harder to play the same games that their compatriots may-or-may-not-have-played in either Washington State or Minnesota.  Seriously, having Republicans in charge of the oversight hearings will be a big help in keeping down shenanigans; we had neither in the Rossi / Coleman affairs, and in my opinion it had an effect.

Even brighter side?  Maybe Secretary of State Doug La Follette* will muck up things enough to justify a recall election.  Retiring that particular well-meaning political dynasty from the American political scene would frankly be a mitzvah.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading The Morning After Wisconsin.

This ad about Wisconsin Democrat Joanne Kloppenburg scares the Left.

I’m repeating myself, but the Left keeps trying to push back on this ad highlighting Wisconsin Democrat (and candidate for Supreme Court Justice) Joanne Kloppenburg’s utter lack of compassion for abuse survivors:

…so pass it along.  Make sure that the Wisconsin voter in your life watches it.  The vote is tomorrow; the incumbent is David Prosser; and his site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh The Wisconsin protests continue to self-marginalize…

…don’t get me wrong: I’m all about the zombies.  All about the zombies.  But when you start doing zombie political marches; well, let me put it this way.  That soft, choking whimper that you just heard?  Yeah, that’s what credibility sounds like when it dies.

Of course, note the really important noun there: “hundreds.”  And note who ends up going through considerable amounts of verbal gyrations to avoid having to deal with said noun…


Wisconsin Democrat Joanne Kloppenburg ignored abuse victim’s pleas.

Background: Earlier this month, Wisconsin Democrats* created a campaign ad against incumbent Supreme Court Justice David Prosser that was so slimy that it sparked a formal protest by one of the abuse victims that Wisconsin Democrats were pretending to care about. Not that such a protest even remotely slowed down Joanne Kloppenburg, of course: the woman is so desperate to win next week’s Supreme Court election for the Democratic party that she adamantly refused to even mildly condemn the contemptible ad when asked outright about it. So the victim** tried again, personally reaching out to Kloppenburg and asking her to at do something about this attack as being unworthy of both her campaign and her political affiliation. Let him tell you what happened with that:

Continue reading Wisconsin Democrat Joanne Kloppenburg ignored abuse victim’s pleas.

Judge Maryann Sumi (D*) ‘fixes’ anti-reform restraining order. Again.

How many bites at the apple does this judge get, anyway?

Let’s recap what happened in Wisconsin (that link leads to a whole slew of links that track this epic foul-up by the Democratic party in Wisconsin over what should have been a simple enough demonstration of the principle that elections have consequences).

  • Wisconsin Democratic Senators run away rather than do their jobs.  This prevents a quorum for bills that are primarily financial in nature.
  • Wisconsin Republican Senators end up passing what they can, including a critical union reform bill.
  • Having returned from self-imposed Illinois exile, Wisconsin Democrats find a convenient judge (Maryann Sumi) to issue a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), on what is frankly a misunderstanding of the law.
  • Judge Sumi makes a mistake in the TRO by only enjoining the Secretary of State (Democrat) from publishing the law.  For example, she did not enjoin the Legislative Research Bureau (LRB) from publishing the law, despite the fact that they are required to by law.
  • The LRB publishes the law, as per their statutory requirements; as the TRO did not cover that department, they have no choice.
  • On Monday, the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DoJ) points this detail out to Judge Sumi and asks her to vacate the order, given that the law is published.
  • On Tuesday, Judge Sumi reissues her TRO to prevent implementation of the law.
  • On Wednesday, the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DoA) points out that this ruling was flawed in that it: did not in fact indicate that the law is not in effect; explicitly declined to state that the law was not legally published; and since when did Judge Sumi get to presume to drag the DoA (a non-party in the original dispute) into this mess she made in the first place?
  • On Thursday, Judge Sumi has to fix her TRO again to rule that the law is not published, in a fashion that satisfies the DoA.
  • At some point in all of this Judge Sumi somewhat plaintively (if you’ll pardon the pun) wonders aloud why the legislative branch simply just doesn’t pass the law again.
  • To which Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) effectively replies “Because we did it right the first time, and it’s not like I tell you how to run a courtroom.”  Left off is the unstated “Although I apparently should.”

I agree with Hot Air: the sooner the Wisconsin Supreme Court takes this away from Sumi, the better.  At this rate, I fully expect the next ruling to feature Bozo the Clown.  Come to think of it, if Bozo has space on his judicial docket…

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*I am assuming.

RedState Interview: Senator Ron Johnson (R, WI) on Obamacare repeal.

The topic was on Obamacare: specifically, its repeal.  Senator Johnson had an article in the Wall Street Journal today on his personal issue with health care rationing; we discussed that, the ongoing judicial struggles over Obamacare, and what activists can do to help resolve this problem.

Senator Johnson’s decision to run for office in the first place can be ‘credited’ with the passage of Obamacare, which is news that will no doubt delight supporters of former Senator Russ Feingold.  Also, some further details of the future economic effects of the health care legislation can be found here, via the American Action Forum.  Check it out.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh Wisconsin kids pay for teachers’ sickouts.

(Via @vermontaigne, via Gateway Pundit) Apparently kids in Wisconsin are going to have to stay in school an extra twenty minutes a day for the rest of the school year.  Why?  Because of the teachers union’s unscheduled four day vacation from their responsibilities in order to go fight the ever-so-noble cause of not paying their fair share of their healthcare costs. Dan Collins notes that the kids are going to love this; speaking as a parent of two, I’ll add that so will the parents.  Particularly the ones who rely on after-school activities to fill up the time between the end of classes and the earliest that a working parent can make it home.  Ach, well, you can’t expect the leadership of a public service union to understand the concept of empathy towards others.

On the bright side, unexcused absences by teachers last month won’t be paid for and teachers using phony sick notes are going to get suspended.  So there’s that, at least.

Robert Reich takes the Crazytown Train to Wisconsin.

Let me see if I can guess the contents of the article, based on just the title (“Governor Walker’s Coup D’Etat”): Robert Reich is going to use the Rubber Bands of Mendacity, Hyperbole, and Bad Polling to create a Frankenstein’s Monster of an assertion that somehow Governor Walker – with his voting majorities in the state legislature, not to mention his actual election last year – was the one illegitimately using his power, not the state Democratic Senators who hid out in Scottish Hooters-clone theme bars for the last two weeks.  This, despite the fact that the last time I checked, the phrase “run like scared, petulant little bunnies” appears nowhere in the Wisconsin Constitution*.


Called it in one.  That link goes to the Google search for the title, by the way: I see no reason to reward any of the spluttering Lefty sites out there that republished this tripe just because they got short-breathed over the idea of an actual former Cabinet secretary writing what was essentially political pornography targeted for their particular demographic.  It’s actually worse than the title looks: Reich simply assumes that everybody already agrees that Walker staged a coup.  This is a disappointment: I was hoping for some sleazy rationalizations along those lines, but apparently that’s too much like work for Reich**.  To those inclined to argue the point, here’s the problem: Walker won an election last year.  So did enough Republicans to flip both houses of the state legislature.  Now Walker and the GOP intend to use those working majorities to pass legislation.  If they get it wrong, there’s a mechanism for fixing that: in this business, we call it an election***.

To use the Democratic Mob’s phrase – only, correctly this is what democracy looks like.  Specifically, representative democracy.  And until Reich concedes that point, there’s no reason to discuss this further: of course, since his argument (such as it is) depends on him never having to concede that p0int, there’s probably no reason to discuss this further, period. Continue reading Robert Reich takes the Crazytown Train to Wisconsin.