Even on post-tooth extraction Percoset, Millicent has a zombie plan.

At least, I assume it’s Percoset: I’m pretty sure that’s what they put me on when I had my wisdom teeth yanked, and let me tell you: that stuff is prime.  When I was lying down after the extraction, my sister came in with a fresh-baked, hot bagel from her job. I told her to just put it on my chest… and then I lay there for forty five minutes, absolutely grooving to the way I could feel it cooling. So, I’m saying: those are the good drugs that they give you.

And Millicent still has sound instincts to when it comes to her zombie plan. Continue reading Even on post-tooth extraction Percoset, Millicent has a zombie plan.

I have wanted this t-shirt for pretty much forever.

Finally got it.


No, I’ve never subscribed to the In case of a zombie apocalypse, I’m tripping you school of thought.  That’s just dumb, short-term thinking. And the people who publicly subscribe to it are most likely going to end up joining the ranks of the Undead much, much sooner than the people who form voluntary associations with each other at the first sign of a shambling revenant…

A free hint for Obama for America: check to see whether your images have offensive subtext.

In this particular case, there’s a problem with your new flag design:

It’s a dead, if you’ll pardon the pun, ringer for the International Zombie Warning* symbol for Unsecured manhole cover: watch out for grab-and-draggers.

No, no need to thank me: I’m a giver. Continue reading A free hint for Obama for America: check to see whether your images have offensive subtext.

#rsrh Civility in politics benchmark: are guns being brandished on Meet The Press?

Then we’re probably still doing OK:

A Jordanian member of parliament pulled a gun on a political activist during a furious debate live on Jordanian TV on Thursday.

Continue reading #rsrh Civility in politics benchmark: are guns being brandished on Meet The Press?

A suggestion for the town of Wheaton, Maryland.

I understand that you are probably very fond of your motto (well, one of your mottoes, probably): “Where culture comes alive!”  That’s fine.  It’s very sophisticated.  No quarrel with it, per se.  Still, if you want to use it…

…then you probably shouldn’t mix that specific motto with the international warning symbol for Danger! Zombie Outbreak!

Just an observation.

Moe Lane

PS: Picture lifted from here (it was the only place I could find a photo).

Ah, before anybody asks…

…yeah, I heard about that Tea Party Zombies game thing.  I got as far as looking at the zombies that you could fight, noted from the visuals/descriptions that the fine old tradition of game designers never having gotten laid in high school was apparently still in full force*, got tipped off that the gameplay sucked ass, and went to finish my Dragon Age 2 playthrough so that I can get started on the first Deus X.  Because, really, life is short.

(failed Will roll)

But the years are long.

Moe Lane

*Which happens to most nerds, frankly.  It’s just that most of us get over it eventually.

Annnnnnd so much for the World War Z movie.

There’s a part of me that is kind of glad that I missed the original controversy over the World War Z movie – essentially, that the studio threw out the perfectly good script, original premise, timeline, …and everything else except the title, really.  I’m glad because this way I get to have that horror added to the Liveliest Awfulness that @allahpundit and @Slublog found:

The movie will have fast zombies.



Don’t get me wrong: fast zombies are a great addition to the genre.  28 Days Later? Zombieland? Great stuff.  But fast zombies just doesn’t fit into any part of World War Z, and honestly?  If they’re trying to rope into theaters the people who loved the book, possibly they should consider showing the film version of the stuff that made people love the book?  And if they can’t do that and still make money, well, it’s OK not to make a movie out of a book.  Really.

CDC discusses braaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnnnssssss.

The only problem that I have (and share with Hot Air) about this excellent, official Center for Disease Control blog post about how the CDC would handle a zombie apocalypse is in the designation of Resident Evil as Best. Zombie Flick. EVAR.  And that’s not even a fair problem, as I’ve never seen the film: I avoid movies made from video games, because in my experience they generally suck*.  Besides, I am a Shaun of the Dead / 28 Days Later guy anyway.

Seriously, it’s a creative way to get a general disaster scenario checklist out there – so if you’re the sort to ask the question “Was this an appropriate use of taxpayer money?” on everything that the government does, right down to the molecular level, I’m going to say that the answer is ‘yes.’  Mind you, I’d say it even if the CDC just decided to riff off of a genre that has them taking a prominent (if ultimately futile) role in virtually every example of same.  These people can have a little fun, surely.

Moe Lane


#rsrh The Wisconsin protests continue to self-marginalize…

…don’t get me wrong: I’m all about the zombies.  All about the zombies.  But when you start doing zombie political marches; well, let me put it this way.  That soft, choking whimper that you just heard?  Yeah, that’s what credibility sounds like when it dies.

Of course, note the really important noun there: “hundreds.”  And note who ends up going through considerable amounts of verbal gyrations to avoid having to deal with said noun…


Utter Video Game Trailer FAIL.

You expect me to play this game (Dead Island) after that?  [Warning: video below NSFW]

I’m too busy crying.

Via AofSHQ Headlines.

Moe Lane

PS: Don’t get me wrong: I know damn well that the zombie genre has always had bad things happening to kids in it, because horror is all about pushing people’s fear buttons, and for most people GET AWAY FROM MY CHILD is a big honking red button with blinking arrows pointing to it.  I especially know this, now that I’m a parent.  But, like this guy, I found watching that trailer… tough.  Not because it’s manipulative – again, you want horror to be manipulative – but because it’s too artistically successful at being manipulative.  Or something.

You’ll notice that I’m not linking to a site where you can buy the game, either.