#rsrh WaPo’s stuff on Chris Hackett isn’t even *wrong*.

This Washington Post article (“Does Redstate blogger Erick Erickson matter?”) is generally not worth commenting on (mostly because the answer is pretty much “Apparently, yes, given that they wrote an article”), but I can’t let this paragraph pass without comment*:

Let me just note the mistakes on that one: Continue reading #rsrh WaPo’s stuff on Chris Hackett isn’t even *wrong*.

#rsrh …or, I could dip into the Strategic Bacon Reserve.

It is downright amazing how the universe improves once you are outside several pieces of bacon.

Speaking of a pork product currently being fried to a crisp in its own grease, Gallup’s reporting a 40% approval rating for President Obama.  It would seem that Peggy Noonan’s right*: nobody particularly loves the guy these days.

Moe Lane

*On that, at least.

#rsrh Atheists suing over 9/11 Cross.

Because… well, to quote Robert Anton Wilson: I’m sure that they mean well.  Or at least they mean something.

In the days after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, some workers and mourners at the World Trade Center site seized upon a cross-shaped steel beam found amid the rubble as a symbol of faith and hope.

For the past five years, the 17-foot-tall cross was displayed outside a nearby Catholic church. On Saturday it was moved again, to the site of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, where it is to be in the permanent collection.

But the move quickly provoked a lawsuit from American Atheists, a nonprofit group based in New Jersey.

Continue reading #rsrh Atheists suing over 9/11 Cross.

#rsrh QotD, Get Your Comic Book/Political Geek On edition.

Jim Geraghty, who sounds slightly (or maybe more than slightly depressed) about this entire debt ceiling brouhaha:

This is the conservative version of the Marvel Civil War, a comic book storyline in which all of the publisher’s most prominent heroes took sides on the institution of a “Super Hero Registration Act,” in which any person in the United States with superhuman abilities register with the federal government as a “human weapon of mass destruction,” reveal their true identity to the authorities, and undergo proper training. Those who sign also have the option of working for a government agency, earning a salary and benefits such as those earned by other American civil servants.

Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four supported the act; Captain America and Daredevil opposed, and the storyline tossed away the familiar story of heroes fighting villains to the surprising, unpredictable, and incongruous sight of popular, noble heroes fighting other popular, noble heroes, each convinced that their view is the right one and the best way to protect their values.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Get Your Comic Book/Political Geek On edition.

Sen. DeMint not to run in 2016?

(Via Hot Air Headlines) At least, that’s what he’s telling the National Journal:

NJ What is your ambition?

DeMINT My hope is to elect five or 10 more solid conservatives and go home and rock on my front porch.

NJ This is your last term?

DeMINT Yeah. It was not a campaign promise; but that is my plan, that the election last year was my last one. It has always been my plan not to serve more than two terms.

Continue reading Sen. DeMint not to run in 2016?

#rsrh Maine SoS to investigate voter fraud.

Hey, guess what? Elections matter!

A voter fraud investigation triggered by allegations made earlier this week by the head of the state Republican Party will be combined with an inquiry also looking at identity fraud, Maine’s top elections official announced Thursday.

Secretary of State Charlie Summers Jr. also said he’s asked the state attorney general to work with his office in the investigation.

The voter fraud investigation began following allegations Monday by state GOP Chairman Charles Webster, who said he’d uncovered more than 200 cases of possible election fraud and asked that his information be reviewed by Summers’ office. The 206 cases cited by Webster focused on nonresident students in the state university system who had also registered to vote in Maine last year.

Continue reading #rsrh Maine SoS to investigate voter fraud.

And now, a “HEY! LOOK! BALD EAGLETS!” Distraction.

They found four of ’em in one nest in Maine:

Apparently they usually go with two at a time, and very rarely three eggs hatch and survive.  Four eaglets in one nest that make it is a phenomenon.  But then, Bald Eagles have made it off of the endangered species list in Maine, so maybe there’s something in the water up there.

Moe Lane (crosspost)