“Games Without Frontiers.”

Games Without Frontiers, Peter Gabriel

…I can’t figure out whether they wanted to do this video, or not.

Moe Lane

PS: That duck-and-cover thing is, by the way, an excellent reflex for dealing with a nuke attack.  Won’t save you if you’re in the blast radius, but ducking should help you avoid the shrapnel and covering up will keep the fallout from touching your skin.

Every post that I’ve wanted to write today was a querulous complaint.

I suspect that I may be coming down with the dreaded Summer Cold; at any rate, I think that I shall take the hint and go rest.  Have a glass of orange juice… hmm.  I wonder if there is vodka? It’s not something we keep around regularly, which means that there is either no vodka, or quite enough vodka, for a drink.  Let’s find out!

I can’t WAIT to hear Joe “RAVE Act” Biden come out as pro-pot.

Because he will.

Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes since California voters made the first move in 1996. Voters in Colorado and Washington state took the next step last year and approved pot for recreational use. Alaska is likely to vote on the same question in 2014, and a few other states are expected to put recreational use on the ballot in 2016.

Nearly half of adults have tried marijuana, 12 percent of them in the past year, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. More teenagers now say they smoke marijuana than ordinary cigarettes.

Fifty-two percent of adults favor legalizing marijuana, up 11 percentage points just since 2010, according to Pew. Sixty percent think Washington shouldn’t enforce federal laws against marijuana in states that have approved its use. Seventy-two percent think government efforts to enforce marijuana laws cost more than they’re worth.

Joe Biden thinks that he can be President in 2016; he needs Obama’s supporters to swing to him in order to get the nomination; young people are generally more pro-pot than their elders; you do the math.  That switching positions like this will invalidate everything that Joe Biden has ever said about drug use in the past is not really a concern for the Vice President; I mean, it’s not like Joe Biden ever actually believed in that stuff in the first place… or indeed anything else.  Joke’s on the people who took the man at his word, really.

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

Moe Lane

PS: I am agnostic on the subject of marijuana; then again, this post isn’t really about pot.  It’s about me anticipating Joe Biden lying about pot.

Hi, Rhode Island! Enjoy your 10% #Obamacare hikes!

If you’re lucky.

Rhode Island Health Insurance Commissioner Christopher F. Koller has approved 2014 health insurance rates that he called “significantly lower” than those requested — but that still involve increases in premiums.


For the majority of Rhode Islanders who get health insurance from large employers, rates will go up, on average, 9.5 percent to 12 percent.

Continue reading Hi, Rhode Island! Enjoy your 10% #Obamacare hikes!

You know, I would like to *not* turn this blog into an anti-Windows 8 hatefest.

So I won’t; but for one parting shot… I liked playing those mindless little free games like Spider Solitaire or Freecell while I was listening to an interview or playing music in the background.  There’s a reason for having a desktop, instead of this tile crap: it’s called multitasking.  I want to be able to do it on my computer, thanks; I already have an iPad for the single-item consumption stuff.

Chicago Tribune calls for Special Prosecutor in IRS scandal.

And Barack Obama’s hometown paper doesn’t exactly sound very pleased about the situation, either:

We can only speculate on which tools will unlock the grimy secrets of this egregious misuse of government authority. An ongoing self-examination by the IRS is laughably untrustworthy. The U.S. Department of Justice also is on the case.

But as we wrote May 23, many Americans won’t be much interested in what one arm of the Obama administration concludes about the conduct of other arms — the IRS, the Treasury and possibly the White House. There are times when only a special prosecutor has the independence and credibility to resolve such a politically fraught matter.

Needless to say, the administration has the same problem with special prosecutors and independent investigations and that sort of thing that every other Presidential administration has had; to wit, such activities have the pernicious (to them, and their party’s partisans) effect of causing new and exciting headaches for the party that holds the Oval Office.  Alas, the Executive Branch* should have thought of that before it started going after conservative nonprofit groups.

Moe Lane

*Note the precise proper nouns used. Barack Obama would have to have been very stupid indeed to have had any direct link to any of that…