Is @barackobama just planning to bomb #Syria anyway?

You know who should be most infuriated by this?

A senior State Department official tells Fox News the president’s decision to take military action in Syria still stands, and will indeed be carried out, regardless of whether Congress votes next week to approve the use of such force.

The official said that every major player on the National Security Council – including the commander-in-chief – was in accord last night on the need for military action, and that the president’s decision to seek a congressional debate and vote was a surprise to most if not all of them. However, the aide insisted the request for Congress to vote did not supplant the president’s earlier decision to use force in Syria, only delayed its implementation.

True antiwar progressives. And no, I’m not trying to be cute. This is a smack in the face to those people – and while I don’t normally care, I can’t say that I’m fond of the implication that Barack Obama can just ignore us, too.

Via AoSHQ.

Guess it’s a Cthulhu Mythos Labor Day Weekend.

Good news on the Delta Green front: more details on the next edition of the game have come out. Cannot wait:

Delta Green: The Roleplaying Game will comprise two books coming mid-2014. An Agent’s Handbook includes the core rules, how to create a character, and what the world looks like to the player characters. A Case Officer’s handbook includes details on the Mythos, both the official view of the Cthulhu Mythos and ways to change it up to keep players guessing; as well as guidelines for running the game. Sourcebooks will explore specific factions and threats in depth, such as an early one on PISCES and operations in the UK. A World War II book will be its own standalone game based on the DG rules coming soon after the core RPG.

Also, new DG fiction in September: it will be Kickstarted, so keep an eye out. Continue reading Guess it’s a Cthulhu Mythos Labor Day Weekend.

Hi, Sam Slom!

No, no reason: I just like to let Sam know from time to time that somebody on the mainland actually remembers that there is a Republican party in Hawaii – and a Republican in the state Senate there.  Sam Slom‘s been the Minority Leader there since 2010, because he’s also been the entire Senate caucus there since 2010.  I assume that the job is as lonely as all get-out.

Don’t know what the heck we’re going to do over there when Sam retires, tell truthful.  I wonder if Hawaii Democrats are being similarly thoughtful…

Nancy Pelosi scrambles to correct her comments on the Speakership.

I was wondering when Pelosi’s handlers would realize that the poor woman stepped in it.

Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office clarified on Friday her apparent disinterest in returning to her old job as House speaker.

I’ll spare you the tortured reasoning; suffice it to say that Pelosi office would like a take-back on her Kinsley Gaffe*, and it’s a measure of the woman’s status in Congress right now that I am somewhat indifferent about her getting it or not.  Yeah, sure, whatever: Pelosi does want to be Speaker again.  Continue reading Nancy Pelosi scrambles to correct her comments on the Speakership.

A reminder, for people doing help videos.

A twenty minute video is too long and unwieldy.  Break it up into at least three, four sections: and script out what you’re going to say. If that means being silent in places, that’s good; the silent parts are probably going to be the places where you cut the video down further.  Good rule of thumb: just because you have to wait for something to load doesn’t mean that the rest of us have to.

Seriously.  I just had to skim past almost fifteen minutes of a twenty minute tutorial.  I’m not saying that those fifteen minutes were unnecessary to everybody, but the guy could have broken down the original and saved us all some valuable time later.

New tablet question: #ipad, or #surface?

The iPad is starting to have that ‘can’t keep a charge’ problem; it’s still fine for the kids, though.  I’ll be honest, though: I’m hearing enough good things about the Microsoft Surface that it’s a definite possibility. It’s fun making the iPad act outside of the parameters forced upon it by Steve Jobs… but, well, maybe it’s time to get off of that train.

Now, if either Apple or Microsoft wishes to influence my decision – which I will of course social media about, ad nauseam – well, they can always contact me about that.  This isn’t politics: I can be… persuaded.

For the record? I’m thinking that “#thicke” is lying his ass off.

If you feel the need to tell people you do, then you actually don’t.

If you’ve read Ace of Spades’ epic, EPIC takedown of Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” – and watched the uncensored and so totally NSFW version of “Blurred Lines” that Ace linked to in that post – then you know what I’m talking about*.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about… well, go read the takedown.  I’m not even going to try to top it.

Moe Lane

*This isn’t exactly what I’m talking about, but any excuse to link to Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog is a good one.