Hey, I have a Patreon account! https://www.patreon.com/MoeLane?ty=h

Just put up my latest short-short story and campaign world update for the month for it, too. Patrons only, alas: but you can join, and check it all out! At the moment I do a weekly 100 word short-short-short and monthly 1,000 word short-short stories and campaign settings in 500-700 word blocks. And if I start getting more Patrons and more pledges, I start writing more stuff.

So check it out.

One more day!

And then comes the fascinating instant evolution (work with me, here) of Iowa from being the epicenter of the American political universe to a Midwestern state with a population of 3.1 million. I’ve seen it happen with political eyes for… I guess 2016 will be my fourth time… and it’s always amazing how quickly everything shifts. I’ve seen slower state changes from emergency cutoff switches.

As to the results? Well, I’m still mulling over my What To Look For On Caucus Night post. Or even to do one; I mean, everybody else will, and everybody else will be probably guessing, too. Besides, you all already know what to look for.

Tweet of the Day, Life Imitates Fallout 4 edition.

Or is it the other way around? Anyway, folks: behold. The Tato:

…Yes, yes, I know.
Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Life Imitates Fallout 4 edition.

Tweet of the Day, This Blue-on-Blue #Berniebro Fight Shows How The Sausage Is Made edition.

The underlying story is irrelevant, from our point of view. What is relevant is how the story proceeded. At some point, it somehow became legitimate journalism:

…and possibly even “fake but accurate.” Ach, but this Fallen world we live in!

Liz Cheney running for Wyoming At-Large seat.

Incumbent Cynthia Lummis is retiring and the seat is R+22, mostly because it’s also the state of Wyoming and Wyoming is deep, deep, deep Republican territory. Judging from this, Liz Cheney has a decent if not guaranteed shot at the nomination; and she won’t be hurt by the fact that it’s her father’s old seat. As to the general… the last Democratic Congressman from Wyoming retired in 1978*.  So, again, it’s a pretty safe seat.

Should be an interesting primary race. Especially when the antiwar Left notices that she’s running. They’re gonna go nuts

Via @VictoriaCoates.

Moe Lane

*Teno Roncalio.  Apparently an all right guy. War hero. Shame he was a Democrat, really.