Book of the Week: The Family Business.

Some folks were saying nice things about Mike Kupari’s The Family Business, so I decided to give it a whirl. Bounty hunter tracking down human collaborators after an attempted alien invasion of Earth; I’m about 10% in, and it’s pretty good so far. The cover has very little to do with the book itself, but that’s just one of Baen Books’ little ways. You get used to it.


Book vending schedule, 2022.

This is so far:

  • Balticon (May 28-30). The convention starts Friday, but I’ll be there Saturday. Probably will commute, because the hotel’s expensive and it’s an easy drive for me.
  • Galactic Con (tentative) (June 11). This one is a day-trip, and I haven’t gotten it confirmed yet. Hoping to have TINSEL RAIN published at that point, but I probably won’t have the print books.
  • Fright Reads (October 1). Will have TINSEL RAIN in print by then! Hopefully. Maybe other stuff.

As you can see, I have room in the schedule for July-September. I’ll be keeping an eye out for other prospective vending venues.

Caught up on TINSEL RAIN edits!

Huzzah! Now I can sit and glare at my computer screen in peace. Twitter’s decided this site is suspicious again, you see. So now I get to spend two weeks reporting every spurious report to their automated system, until a human finally notices the reports building up and checks. At least, that’s what I assume happens. Twitter never actually bothers to tell people why they do things, how to fix problems, or why they reverse their decisions.

And they wonder why they’re being bought out. …Serenity now, Moe. Serenity now.

Still, at least I got those chapter edits chewed through. About half done!

Up to Chapter 9 in TINSEL RAIN edits!

At this rate I shall be caught up… soon. Which is excellent: I had let the work pile up. At this rate, pretty soon I’ll need to get the paperback book cover for TINSEL RAIN put together. I tend to do them myself when it’s a chapbook*, but when it comes to the novels I let a professional handle things.

Moe Lane

*My chapbooks, in case you haven’t figured out, are exercises in frugality. I practice my editing on them myself, do layout and everything, and try not to spend any money outside of the art. Honestly, spending money on art is one of the unexpected perks of this entire authorial thing. It’s… affirming.


Plugging along on the TINSEL RAIN edits.

A little behind on them, but much less than before. I kind of needed the weekend off, too. It’s important to be clear-headed.

At any rate, TINSEL RAIN is still on track to be released early. It probably won’t have physical copies for Balticon, but with any luck I’ll be able to have links to the e-book version. That will do. I certainly will have it for FrightReads… and I’ll need to think about whether I’ll have a new chapbook ready for then, as well. Keep watching the skies!

Book of the Week: Terro-Human Future History: Complete Series.

The Terro-Human Future History: Complete Series is one of those ninety-nine cent specials. Which is to say, it’s collected a lot of H. Beam Piper’s stuff and tossed it into Kindle form. Fair warning: the formatting will probably throw up the occasional typo. Then again, the entire point of books like this is to have something on your Kindle while you’re at the beach. No reason to over-think it, right?
