So… Delta Green: Through a Glass, Darkly.

It’s the latest Delta Green* novel, which got funded via Kickstarter.  The electronic version is supposedly going out today to backers, with the hardcopy being available in about a week or so: I totally missed this one, so I ain’t getting either until they make either available to regular buyers.  Can’t wait: I rarely buy book tie-ins, but my appetite for Mythos stuff is nigh-insatiable.

Above a certain level of quality, of course.  Some of you probably know what I mean already, and the rest of you are fortunate not to.

Moe Lane

PS: Ken Hite’s Cthulhu 101 came in the mail last week.  Damned funny and damned useful: there’s stuff in there that I missed.

PPS: “Philosophy,” a DG story, via The Unspeakable Oath.

*For those unfamiliar with the game: Call of Cthulhu meets secret government anti-Mythos conspiracy.  Made out of Crystalline Awesome with tightly-woven WIN inserts.


Dear God, the last thing that I need to read in the morning is Maureen Dowd referencing Lovecraft:

The influential horror writer H. P. Lovecraft knew better than to be too literal in his description of monsters.

In the short story “The Outsider,” Lovecraft’s narrator offers a description that matches how some alarmed Democrats view Tea Partiers: “I cannot even hint what it was like, for it was a compound of all that is unclean, uncanny, unwelcome, abnormal and detestable. It was the ghoulish shade of decay, antiquity and desolation; the putrid, dripping eidolon of unwholesome revelation; the awful baring of that which the merciful earth should always hide. God knows it was not of this world.”

Aside from everything else, that’s a faintly silly choice of Lovecraft stories to reference.  To quote Ken Hite… quoting HPL: Continue reading WHO LET MODO GET INTO THE HPL STASH?

The Matter of Ghouls.

Specifically, Lovecraft’s ghouls.  I hate to say, but… they just ain’t that scary to me, sorry.  Or mind-blastingly evil.  Mi-Go?  Sure: brains-in-a-can and deep space frightfulness.  Deep Ones?  No problem, especially since Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity did a revamp.  Great Race?  Yeah, those SOBs are pretty freaky-deaky when you realize that they’ve got a real problem with personal head space.  But… ghouls?

OK.  You eat dead people.  Hold on, am I dead?  No?  Well, then, you just keep on with gnawing on that head then, buddy:  he’s obviously past caring and it’s nobody I know. I mean, seriously: read “The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath” again.  You can recruit those guys as a ally race in that one.

They got real nuanced after “Pickman’s Model,” is all I’m saying.

Moe Lane

Definition of “Why am I surprised, again?”

So I buy a copy of Cthulhu’s Reign, which is a collection of stories which are all about H.P. Lovecraft’s Great Old Ones’ return to, and conquest of, Earth… and about halfway through it I catch myself thinking Man, these stories are really, really depressing.

No.  REALLY?  You think?

In other news: where’s my blessed copy of Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity?

Nah, Instapundit, it’s Deep Ones.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers.  Disinformation, smishinformation.  It’s all about the crass commercialism of the link.

Aliens on the sea floor.”  Pshaw, Glenn.  Clearly the ‘oil slick’ is part and parcel of the ongoing civil war between the Innsmouthite traditionalist and the Strossian reformer factions of the Deep Ones, and we’re just trying to keep it hushed up, lest we see a resurgence of breakaway Antarctic Space Elder Race terrorism again.  It was bad enough the last time that they were actively attempting to use our seaborne neighbors’ internal political conflicts to get their own back; the fallout (literally) from dealing with the Neu Schwabenland redoubt was bad enough, but Elder Race shenanigans breed South American fascists like a Innsmouthite breeds shoggoths – and that means that weak-minded artists will become prey for the Great Old Ones.  The human race simply cannot handle another assault on its sanity like Evita.

It simply cannot.

Moe Lane